Sigi shelters Aud

[12:27] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith nervously watched Charity, hoping she does not cry or need anything before Sigi gets back.

[12:31] Sigrid Holgarsen (ariellaclair) was upstairs putting laundry away...she blinked in surprise when she came down the ladder ,seeing her dear friend"Oh dear" she gasps....Charity was just watching the lady with funny facepaint silently, cooing every now and again waving her chubby little arms with a rattle and sign of distress from the baby......Sigi smiled and walked over to give her friend a hug"I have missed you" she said and sat down across from her"Tell me what ye have been doing all this time?"

[12:34] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud looked relieved when she saw Sigi come down. "Hey, Sigi!," Aud started excitedly, then, "I don' want ta cause ye any distress, if ye be afeared with me here. I be right sure that the Faithful not be in these parts taday, but I will leave if ye are fearful," Aud said, taking a seat on the edge.

[12:39] Sigrid Holgarsen (ariellaclair) went to the kitchen to put a kettle of water on the stove for some tea,grabbing a crust of bread,dried and hard so Charity could chew on ...she was teething and the night had not been restful...Sigi was tired,but happy to see her friend well ....she waved off"Ye always welcome here,I know ye take precaution,ye wouldnt jeopardies us...I havena seen any o'his men around fer a while,nay up here anyways,they must be all down below...its dreadful....nobody trusts te get out fer fear they will get arrested" she said with a sigh...."are ye hungry?"

[12:42] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud relaxed a bit more on the couch, feeling more like her old self than in a long time. "Nay, I be eatin' berries and fish. Like ye some Himbeeren?" she offered from her pouch. "I been still trappin and huntin for them who be in the caves, " Aud said, picking two berries out to munch on. "Ye baby be so big now! Be she walkin yet? And ye look on so good yeself!" She admired her friend's outfit and figure. "Motherhood right agrees w' ye!" she said, nodding.

[12:47] Sigrid Holgarsen (ariellaclair) actually blushed a bit and smiled"Ahh ye too kind,if ye werent hiding and have all that dirt smeared in yer face ye be pretty too" she said with a wink,then her expression turned somber again"I pray te odin every day that he will keep ye safe" she said"I worry about ye"

[12:50] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud smiled to herself, thinking about the sacrifice she had just made to Odin last week. "Me foster father'd be happy to hear ye speak that, friend," Aud turned to Sigi with the smile. "He fallowed Odin's ways to the end." She wiped her hands on her pants, then frowned. "If all this ever be over, I will me some new clothes, that be sure," seeing the stains she had just created. "How be ye here? Have ye any other humans comin through?"

[12:56] Sigrid Holgarsen (ariellaclair) looked at her dear friend from head to toe...seeing that even though she was alright,she looked tired and thin..."We are fine fer ye can see Charity has not gotten her fathers ears...yet,but I worry every day that they might be showing someday...i keep her here most of te time when Grandma is feeling alright so she can watch her...i doon wanna take her out more then I have to fer worry they might discover she is nay full blood human either" Sigi turned to look at her little sunshine when she said that....Charity giggled while trying to disolve the bread crust with her gums...having a blast in doing so....Sigi sighed deeply and turned back to her friend..."I dont know what i would do if something happen te'er" she said"Ye look thin my friend and ye look like ye need can stay here fer a while, I will fatten ye up a bit" she smiled warmly

[13:03] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud laughed when Sigi mentioned Dayne's ears. Even though she had not noticed or seen them herself, she could imagine what they might look like. She stopped herself from laughing when she realized how dangerous it was to be not human these days in Skarvald. Her friend's offer surprised her, but she was appreciative. "Ah, I guess ye know that I be not stayin' in me own place," Aud sighed. "Yah, I be movin' in the nights from one place to another, and sleepin' as I can. I do nae want the men to find any one place and lay a trap fur me, but I been on the move for a long time now, it's true." Aud ran her hands over the soft fur on the couch. "An in fact, it be a generous offer ye make, an if I had one night here, that would be a blessed sleep," she said, sounding almost dreamy.

[13:09] Sigrid Holgarsen (ariellaclair) felt a bit guilty thinking that Charity was teething ,but hoped Aud would be so tired not to notice her fuzzing at night...she beamed"I am so glad ye will stay ,even if its just fer one night...." Sigi got up,ignoring her Grandmas frown and just gave her a pointed look...they would discuss the matter after the morrow....Gouyen just shrugged and went back to closing her eyes for a little nap while Charity still gnawed on her crust....drool and little bits of food dribbled all over her belly and face....."I have some stew from last night" she called from the front room ,preparing a plate and a cup with some hot tea...only taking her a moment to bring it back and sat it down before Audfrith"Here my friend...fill yer belly afore ye lay down,it will help ye rest better"

[13:15] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud had not had cooked food in almost a month, and even the smell of it made her stomach grumble in desire before she could tell her friend to save it for herself. She looked embarrassed, and accepted it. "Sigi, ye be the best cook, I be pleased to haf just a bit." The hot tea settled Aud's stomach, and she took small bites of the stew. She lowered her voice, seeing the older lady's eyes closed. "Hae ye any word from outside Skarvald? I be to the docks last week, but they'd nae let me board a ship. Een when I hae the papers all in a line for a trade trip, they send me back to home. I do nae believe that anyone be getting in 'er out." She lowered her voice further. "And now we be SURE tha Balder and Ellie still live!"

[13:22] Balder Foehammer is online.
[13:22] Balder Foehammer is offline. (lol: yep, still alive)

[13:25] Sigrid Holgarsen (ariellaclair): "Ye have as much as ye want,trust me...we have food for a while,but ye right wi'te ships....I have not heard of any new supplies making it word from outside of cousin Olaf was supposed to return,he had te leave cause he Dad got sick,but is scheduled to come back soon.....I worry that he might not be able te get back in" she said,leaning back and watching her friend "Please do eat Audfrith,ye need yer strength and we have plenty...Nana doesnt eat much and Charity is too little,i still nurse her,although i am worried with her teeth coming in an'all,but we are fine fer now,trust me" she assured her friend

[13:32] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud took a big spoonful when encouraged, then stopped chewing for a minute when she realized what it meant, that Charity's teeth were coming in and Sigi was nursing. She involuntarily tightened her arms around her own breasts. Babies seemed like a lot of trouble and problems. But the stew was so good and hot, she finished that bite then took several more before pausing. "Ah, Sigi, this be just the right thing," Aud sighed. She scooped the last of the stew onto the bread and swallowed it.

[13:57] Sigrid Holgarsen (ariellaclair) smiled wide...glad she could make her friend comfortable at least for one night"Rest well my friend" she said ,reaching to take the baby and gave her Nana a little nudge...which mumbled something ,then got up and followed Sigi up the ladder

[14:05] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud took off her heavy pants and armor for the first time in more than a week. She washed a bit with the cloth and water that Sigi had given her, and almost as soon as she lay down on the couch, she fell asleep.

Sigi shelters Aud

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