Roleplay took place in Skarvald Fantasy Norse area in Second Life. Guest RP'ers welcome.
[12:25] Brawn watches as another arrives and turns to the king " We are ready for your command Sire"
[12:26] Jahanara Shinn nods " I am ready to guide the men on your order," she said spreading her wings.
[12:26] Balder Foehammer looks to the Captain "Take the charge Brawn...there will be an end to her..her soldiers will not stand with her, the orcs...have been bartered with..and have left her ...You have the silver weapons....I send the warriors forth en masse to slay the fiend"
[12:27] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "We do indeed Sire..and the guards have now gathered and ready...We shall follow the scout to the caves"
[12:28] Audfrith (emmiedee) admired the silver weapons and wondered about the wooden stake strapped to her own boot and the Christian's symbol she had been given, hanging next to the garlic around her neck.
[12:28] Balder Foehammer looks to Jahanara "Lead them to the those she has...and end her .." He turns to Audfirth "Go with them Ranger...aid in how you can.."
[12:29] Conall Yowlumne: perks his ears up wondering why there is so many people here as he was about to head to the dungeon.
[12:29] Brawn Conalll..take up the rear...we will follow scout Jahanara" he orderd his best guard
[12:31] Balder Foehammer raises his hand and motions the group to go.."March forth...and rid our land of darkness"
[12:29] Jahanara Shinn nods to them."I shall walk then. flying would only loose them." she turns to brawm fallow me. I will stay grounded for now,
[12:29] Audfrith (emmiedee) nodded to the king and sat out behind Jahanara
[12:29] Conall Yowlumne: looked a little confused but nodded his head, "right away sir"
[12:29] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "It is time we put an end to the Vampire Queen...and today is the day!
[12:30] Brawn bows with respect to King Balder and waits for the scout to take the lead
[12:30] Jahanara Shinn wave her hand for them to fallow her as she starts t leave the steps of the keep
[12:32] Ðεlαεh (delice78): Kavitan: looks to the orcs after she returned checking the traps,, she mumbles more in herself,, the scents int he air seem to have changed, as she climbs her way to the top , she kneels down and looks from above her skin feels itchy ,her eyes peers back tot he orcs who woken fromt he sound of the leader,, and pack some of there thing
[12:32] Jahanara Shinn nods and starts to lead the gaurd to the cave, she takes them thew the paths she was led befor .-
[12:36] Conall Yowlumne: sniffs around "this place reaks of death" he growled
[12:37] Audfrith (emmiedee) looked around to see the bodies hanging from the trees, and guarded herself closely
[12:37] Brawn , his back bowed with the weight of his weapons looks about...nothing but death....
[12:42] Ðεlαεh (delice78): Kavitan: watches the orcs getting packed up even on food ,,and the big boss tells her,, they go out for a trip to hunt for fresh meat
[12:43] Ðεlαεh (delice78): Kavitan: raises her eyebrows, and feels something is up witht hat whole green group , but she rather not fight them as she watches them leave througha hole
[12:42] Brawn stops to look about..seeing a door " O can expect there will be take care men.and women.....
[12:43] Conall Yowlumne: gorwls as all he wanted was Yeshi back and safe.
[12:43] Audfrith (emmiedee) brought up the rear
[12:44] Jahanara Shinn pulls her daggers and gets ready watching her step.. hooves not the quietest thing on stone.
[12:44] Conall Yowlumne: pulls out both of his blades and sniffed around the area
[12:44] Audfrith (emmiedee) waited with her spear and shield
[12:45] Brawn is ready with his silver blade and takes careful steps forward
[12:45] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain): dashed out of her office as he heard, upon her return of her patrol, that a group had left to face off the vampire. No holy water with them nor the engraved rune stake needed to finish her off. Grumbling about impulsiveness her figure would blurr at the speed she was racing, trying to catch up to them before they got into a rather heavy mess
[12:45] Kavitan: expected silence but behind her she ehars the door open ,,then footsteps shuffling inside,, she perks herself up and hovers above her eyes watchful and her ears twitching to catch thye sounds
[12:45] Brawn could see some orcs leaving and knew the plan had worked
[12:46] Brawn calls to Conall " Up the stairs there...quietly...the rest...follow me"
[12:47] Conall Yowlumne: nodded his head as he slowly made his way up the stairs making sure to make sure that he made no noise,
[12:47] Jahanara Shinn nods fallowing behind brawn
[12:47] Kavitan: growls soft,, the scents then aa soft voice,, she touches the pillar beside her , and looks down ready to land
[12:48] Brawn feeling for sure a trap had been set and ready for them..he turned in another direction...and quietly he moved forward
[12:48] Audfrith (emmiedee) felt a chill from above and looked up to the skies to see something dark
[12:48] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) went by scent, some them easier to track such as the demon scout of the Guard captain, and traced their path using the tracking skills she had learned when first she was a teen in her old lands of Ambrea, smirking as a mental image of Maryld, her old commander, popped to mind.
[12:49] Brawn looks to Jahanara " Try to find her coffin...destroy it!"
[12:49] Brawn he pointed toward the near door
[12:49] Jahanara Shinn raises her body heat in her hands making her blades supper heated, nodd ing a she slwoly and carfully couts ahead.
[12:49] Kavitan: flaps her wings so the dust and fog starts to swirl covering everyone present
[12:49] Conall Yowlumne: made sure to sniff around too making sure no danger was near as he also was looking for Yeshi as he keeps his blades close to him as his heart started to beat faster
[12:50] Brawn stepped on a rat that squealed he kicked at it and several others
[12:51] Audfrith (emmiedee) frowned at the idea of looking for a coffin, but she went from room to room, searching. She started at the sound of the rat squealing.
[12:51] Kavitan: sents out a soft toned deep growl her muscles getting ready she motions for sam to stand down and not move
[12:53] Conall Yowlumne: was slowly walking on some boards as he moved slowly not wantimg to fall off as the fog was really thick
[12:53] Jahanara Shinn find a woman with in the room carefully pick the lock keping an eye out
[12:53] Audfrith (emmiedee) moved into the fourth chamber, weapon drawn. A dark bundle of -- something -- lay in the corner. She made her way to it carefully.
[12:54] Brawn finally sees the coffin..."Under the stairs Jaha!..look!"
[12:54] Kavitan: smells one of the moon coming to close by for her taste she moves out the fog her hands raised aroudn shoulder height to push the smelly dog down
[12:55] Audfrith (emmiedee) poked the corner to find some of Yeshiva's robes piled there. Then she heard a noise coming from Jahanara's direction and she rushed forward to the next room.
[12:55] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Destroy it!"
[12:56] Jahanara Shinn nods seeing the coffen starst to smash it with her demonic strength and heated
[12:56] Jahanara Shinn: biody heat.-
[12:56] Conall Yowlumne: Conall barks in surprise from the sudden attakc as he tried to push the creature off of him
[12:58] Kavitan: shreeks as she grabs his claws whispering well well well came by to visit me as she stares one of the moon in its eyes
[12:58] Audfrith (emmiedee) kept her spear between her and the coffin, as she watched Jahanara's body heat swell to turn the box red
[12:58] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Audfrith..Have you found Yeshiva?" he asked in hushed tones
[12:59] Conall Yowlumne: growled at her, "i am here to find the young maden, Yeshi" Conall growled and tired to bite at her neck,
[12:59] Audfrith (emmiedee): "There was a bundle of clothes in the corner -- I heard Jahanara's shout..." She looked back at the room with the open lock...
[13:00] Kavitan: laughs that girl is my food once her magic lowers, her head moves sideways to avoid his snapping jaws then she turns his left claw around hearing a soft crack of the wrist
[13:00] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) crashed through the door, seding splinters about, her body lines with the faint glow given off by hr drawn weapon, the light of purity pushing away darkness as she made her way into the crypt "Typical" she mumbled, lokking about for signs of the group that had went ahead.
[13:00] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Show me" he said and started in the direction of the door
[13:01] Jahanara Shinn motion brawn to fallow her
[13:01] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Here, Captain, ... Alleyne, so good to see ye," Aud nodded, moving to the room where the lock had been picked.
[13:01] Conall Yowlumne: howled out with pain as he tried to headbut the woman and pushed her off to the ground with him so the others can help him
[13:02] Brawn without hesitation he left the room at the sounds of Conall
[13:03] Kavitan: still laughing embraces the smelly dog in a tight grip as she lifts to the cieling before she lets him go , she jumps straight after him to the floor
[13:03] Jahanara Shinn looks to alleybe an smirks as she head up after b rawn hearing someone.
[13:04] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) Sighed, at least finding those she sought "Was getting tire of bashing down doors...glad I finally found all of you....Or are you all here ? "
[13:04] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith felt her way along the back wall until she came to a soft glow. Yeshiva lay there in a pile of her robes, breathing softly but alive. She carefully picked her friend up. "We'll get ye out of here," she told the unconscious girl.
[13:05] Conall Yowlumne (mirajain): 3 hit the floor with a thud as he growled as he gets on his knees tryign to recover,
[13:05] Brawn falling from the broken boards toward the floor he landed with a thud and seeing immediately the Vampire Queen and Conall
[13:05] Kavitan: holds the dog down in this position and grins ,,good good you knwo your Place,,Kneel,,kneel doggy
[13:05] Brawn never having let go of his blade he rose and began to swing it
[13:06] Kavitan: hears the sound of a weaping behing swinged and she steps back fast,,her form slowly seems to change
[13:06] Jahanara Shinn falls no to far behind brawn using her wings to sofen her fall, " told you we meet again one day." she smirked to the woman she met once before.-
[13:06] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud worked her way back down the hallway, finding a place she thought Yeshiva would be safe. She laid her carefully down and looked to find the others. "Ye be home soon," Aud said to Yeshiva's sleeping form.
[13:07] Ðεlαεh (delice78): /rr her bones crack and shift as she changes her form, she stares at the demon , yes we meet again
[13:07] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) squinted from above, feeling the blight of darkness below, but unable to distinguish who wa who due to the fog. Not wanting to end up skewering someone she knew, she tried to find a backway down, though the globe light that shrouded her would make her visible to others, at least
[13:07] Conall Yowlumne: looked at Brawn attakc the night creature and rolled away to recover as he tighten his right hand into a fist and tried to gorged the woman with his clawed gauntlet,
[13:07] Brawn watched as the wolf took to his hind legs for a pounce toward the winged one in black
[13:08] Audfrith (emmiedee) uses her ranger flare to dissapate the fog
[13:09] CG Facelight 4.1: Turning on.
[13:09] Brawn watched again as the wolf fell away with a whimper as the creature changed shape before their eyes " Gods of Odin!" he yelled
[13:09] Kavitan: moves her head from side to side,
[13:11] Conall Yowlumne: backs away a little as he never seen anything like this before as he keeps on growling while his left hand was turned the wrong way as it was painful to move it,
[13:12] Brawn again began slashing with his silver blade ..hoping at least to cut her somewhere ith it
[13:13] Kavitan: her eyes look over all and she hisses,,he strong wings flap the dust and fog around
[13:14] Conall Yowlumne: tried to go for her wings to make sure she would not escape as he used his right hand to slash at them with his gauntlet
[13:14] Jahanara Shinn: (Sorry net died on me a moment)
[13:14] Audfrith (emmiedee) stared in wonder at the ancient-looking creature. She unconsciously thought of the garlic and the cross around her neck. She saw an opening and moved forward, her wooden spear tip sharpened to a point.
[13:14] Kavitan: feels the sharp blade of the weapon going over her leg and it starts to bleed,, she feels how it burns . thens he moves her arm to the arm of the small wierd guy with big nose as she locks it in her claws
[13:15] Conall Yowlumne (mirajain): tried to go for her wings to make sure she would not escape as he used his right hand to slash at them with his gauntlet
[13:15] Kavitan: laughs her hand locking tighter over his arm you realy think you can kill me? i faced worse you maggots
[13:15] Brawn watched helplessly as Audfrith attacked..his arm held secrure by the creature
[13:16] Jahanara Shinn comes out of her daze and attacks the womans new form, slashing with her super heated blades aiming for teh wing if she could.-
[13:16] Kavitan: tries to avoid two attackers at once,, she feels her wingbone break and she screams it out in pain
[13:17] Conall Yowlumne (mirajain): Conall smirked and whispered in her ear, "that was for my arm" he told her as he goes for the other wing,
[13:17] Kavitan: ulls the little big nosed guy towards her as she growls ,, try again and hes dead
[13:18] Brawn took advantage of the creatures pain to pull away and avoided her claws
[13:18] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) yelled a warcry from above, dropping lithely beside the creature, the holy glow of her blade arcing in the mist to lash at the creatures back !
[13:18] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud felt and heard the advantage over the vampire, and she saw Alleyne moving towards them. She raised her spear against the vampire then moved away as Alleyne dropped into her place.
[13:18] Kavitan: avoids barely her other wing being broken to her grip loses the little big nosed guy
[13:19] Jahanara Shinn feeling holy aura next to her she jumped away from Alleyne . owing the feeling to well, moves closer to brawn and blaking the slashat him wuthher own wing.-
[13:20] Kavitan: her leg hurts from the silver weapon now her wing is un usable and she can't heal fast enough from this,, he rstrenth does loses it a little as her bones crack to a attempt to heal up
[13:20] Brawn not wanting to caught in the grip of the creature again..he moves back to a distance where he could make use of his bow with the silver arrow tips
[13:21] Kavitan: changes back to herself ,her weaker state,, one wing fails to apear on her back
[13:21] Jahanara Shinn growls as her wing was slashed. "we are eaven now " she said slashing at the woman. with her heated bladed.-
[13:22] Kavitan: steps back and gasps for air when she feels the heat,, her eyes glow up bright as she sees her minion move in to help her
[13:22] Brawn took carefu aim from a safe distance and let the arrows fly
[13:22] Conall Yowlumne: growls at the creature as he wanted her dead, as he keeps on using his right hand to try and stab her belly area nad pull out her internals organs
[13:23] Kavitan: catches samuel by his neck and stares at him,,this ,,is,,,NOT,,Your fight she hisses as she throws him against a wall somewhere in a corner
[13:23] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud waits at the ready, her spear prepared, but she is unable to land an attack without getting in the way of others, so she hung back at the ready.
[13:25] Kavitan: watches around her,,her wing failed to heal and did not form on her back..her leg burns as her attempts to avoid the attacks to hit her gets weaker
[13:25] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith looked to Captain Brawn: "I found Yeshiva!" she cried to him, her eyes still locked on the large vampire.
[13:25] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) fished out a vial from her pouch, of the handful she had created in the past weeks. A claw popping the cork, she splashed the Vampire's back with it, covering the wound where her missing wing was with pure, cool Holy Water.
[13:27] Kavitan: screams as the water hits her backside setting her on fire
[13:28] Jahanara Shinn move/me jumps back her self from the water. growlinga little " watch where your tossing that ." moves around to attack the vampire woman with her heated blades again.-
[13:28] Conall Yowlumne: sniffed the air, "aahh the smell of cooking vampire," Conall sighed happily as he pulled out one of his blades and stabbed the vampired in the got and moved it to open up her insdes,
[13:29] Kavitan: knows this the end and screams, you pestering townspeople you could have had me as your Queen ! instead this cowardly dog of what you call the king
[13:30] Kavitan: keeps herself on her legs, drawing all her power to maintain this postion, he lasty act as queen si to die like one
[13:30] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) took out another larger bottle, smirking as the holy water burned at the foul creature. Realising she lacked a hammer, she glanced at her Captain. "Captain !! Hammer this in, through the heart !!!" She broke the beaker, revealing a runed stake of Cedar, having soaked in holy water and inscribed with holy runes, which she tossed to him, splashing the remains of the beaker's water to keep the vampire distracted.
[13:31] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud watched in wonder as the vampire's body began to smoke and flame.
[13:31] Kavitan: covers her face away from the flames
[13:32] Brawn rushed in to use the hammer to soundly run the spike through her evil heart
[13:32] Jahanara Shinn moves away with all the Holly water plashing around.. she rather avoid injuerys from the holy water. movingso brawn cam pass her.-
[13:33] Kavitan: grabs the guys hand and cracks it,,the the holy wood slides trough her ehart and it sets her whole body instandt on fire as she drops down to her knees then falls down on the floor
[13:34] Kavitan: sighs once more in and vanishes leaving behind her remains a pile of dust
[13:35] Conall Yowlumne: looked at the body of the creature and spat on it, as he shakes his fur a little and looked at his left arm as he needed to find a healer.
[13:35] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud noticed that some of her comrades had shirked from the holy water. "More demons," she thought to herself. "But who better to help you fight a vampire?" As the vampire fell to the floor, Aud felt a bit of sadness in something so ancient finally dying.
[13:36] Brawn watched as the vampire turned to dust before their eyes and then turned again to see the group and if anyone needed help
[13:37] Jahanara Shinn looks to Alleyne." a bit ironic i would help .. you fight this time " she smirked, her left wing torn,
[13:38] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Captain Brawn, I found Yeshiva," Aud said to him in the quiet. "I left her unconscious over here. Can anyone else help her?" Aud took them near the stairs to where Yeshiva lay.
[13:38] CG Facelight 4.1: Turning off.
[13:38] Brawn (cathssl.ember): ?Thanks the Gods and Thanks to all of you ...we'd not been able to do this without everyone here!"
[13:39] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) smirked to the Demoness "True, But I would not have been able to help you use Holy artifacts to fight her. But your help was indeed valuable, and I thank you for it."
[13:39] Conall Yowlumne: perks his ears up and runs to Yeshi to see is she is ok and to help her as he did not care about his own injuries.
[13:40] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Sam!" he hollered...We need to find Master Sam!"
[13:40] Jahanara Shinn look to brawn"saw her fling him where.. not sure "
[13:41] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) followed, wanting to see the priestess "Yeshiva ? Bring me to her..i mgiht be able to help"
[13:41] Audfrith (emmiedee) smirked that of all the times she had wished Sam would not talk, she would trade them all now if he would speak up.
[13:42] Brawn began to look in the area of the coffin that they had destroyed...
[13:42] Jahanara Shinn carries an unconscious man from where she him flung," is this him?" she asked keeping her body heat low. as she carreied teh man.
[13:43] Conall Yowlumne: look at Yeshi to make sure she was ok as he wagged his tail
[13:43] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "By the gods! is Sam is him...and he should be human once again since SHE has been destroyed....."
[13:44] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "We must get them both to the infiramry as soon as possible...."
[13:44] Jahanara Shinn looks at the man and smirked." in the arms od a woman and not continuous enough to enjoy it"
[13:45] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "What ever made you think he enjoyed it!?" he laughed
[13:46] Conall Yowlumne: tries to help carry Yeshi to the healing temple but it was hard with only one good hand ,
[13:46] Jahanara Shinn laughs some. the laughter kept her mind off her tattered wing.
[13:46] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) wold kneel, and gently pick up Yeshiva in her arms, Carrying her carefully, whilst at the same time using her light to treat her most urgent bruises "We will bring them to healers. If Sam needs it, I still have Holy Water we can use to help burn the taint out of his blood."
[13:46] Audfrith (emmiedee): "I can carry Yeshiva. She really weighs less than a possum," Aud offered, moving to the girl.
[13:48] Jahanara Shinn sighs " looks like i will not be flying for a few days"
[13:48] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "You will heal Jahanara...the vampire will not...Job well done!"
[13:49] Jahanara Shinn nods to him." that is true." lets leave this dank place. we have two wounded,"
[13:50] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) shrugged as she carried Yeshiva out "I am sorry, Lady Jahanara...But My healing would likely hurt you more than it would heal. " hug her head a bit at the thought that she couldn't help her Scout, this time."
[13:51] Conall Yowlumne: sighs as he heads out heading back to the healing temple
[13:51] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "We will get you to the healers.....Come now...Lets get out of this stinking death trap"
[13:51] Jahanara Shinn nods to brawn and heads out
[13:54] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud picked up the rest of Yeshiva's robes and followed Alleyne to the infirmary.
[13:56] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) laid the Lady Yeshiva down into a bed, tusking the blanket for her to be comfortable. Purring, she would gently caress her cheek with her furred hand "I apologize, Lady Yeshi'va...I failed to protect you, like pledges to the Priestess Circle...."
[13:56] Jahanara Shinn walks in to the infirmary. laying sam on one of the beds.
[13:58] ღLυяiαηαღ (luriana23): ((hi yall ^^))
[13:58] Audfrith (emmiedee): ((yay! hi!))
[13:59] Conall Yowlumne: paws his way over to yeshi to make sure she was ok as he wimpers a little and sniffed at her making sure she was not injured
[14:01] Yeshi-va was weak after having channeled all her energy into warning the citizens of skarvald that she desperately needed help.
[14:02] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "They will both recover full or so the healer says...but I feel for will be most painful" he looked very sober as he spoke
[14:02] Conall Yowlumne: tooks his right paw and put it in her hand to hopefully tell her that he was there as he took off his helmet and knelt next to her
[14:02] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud overheard the thane's words to Yeshiva. "Captain Brawn says that she will be fine," Aud said softly to Alleyne.
[14:03] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "The King will have to be advised as to all the happenings this day...the battle...the heros...the death of the Queen Vampire"
[14:03] Jahanara Shinn just listens as she sets her own wing. witha bit of a pop. letingher regeneration take over.
[14:04] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) nodded to Aud, whispering a thanks for her kind words. Looking about at the rejoicing victors, she smiled, then headed for the door. The role of Cammnd would ask her to resume her position, and discreetly she left the people at the Healing hall to mend together from the hard tims brought upon by the vampire.
[14:04] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "I wish to personally think you for helping us attend to that creature Jahanara....Your heat came in pretty handy!"
[14:04] Yeshi-va felt Conalls warm hand...She began to blink slowly.....As she opened her eyes she saw the faces of all her friends...
[14:04] Yeshi-va: " Audri....Conall...What happe...." she said in a shaky voice.
[14:05] Jahanara Shinn smirks " I was glad to help. i carried not silver, but supper heated weapons helped."
[14:05] Brawn looking back at Conall and Audfrith..."I'd say all in attendance were heros this day...Heros of Skarvald"
[14:05] Conall Yowlumne: smiled adn wagged his tail, "dont speak just recover now and we will tell you what happened " Conall smiled at her happy to have her back,
[14:06] Yeshi-va quickly came to her senses...."Is she...?" she said in a desperate tone.. Just thinking of the evil queen made her tremble...
[14:07] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Come Black CLaw" as he now had a name for the wolf that accompanied them "You deserve a treat!" and he took the wolf back to the keep
[14:07] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud smiled to hear Yeshiva's small voice. "Yes, the vampire queen is dead. And Conall is right. Worry about all of that later."
[14:07] Jahanara Shinn smirked and walked out as well . her body heat and the young lady would not get a long. at least she is ok.
[14:08] Conall Yowlumne: nodded his head and tried to hide his broken arm from her as she did not need to worry about it
[14:09] Yeshi-va tears began pouring down her face....."Thank you." she said for she finally found peace, she always knew her heroes would come to her rescue....." Thank you." she said with a proud and teary look on her face.
[14:10] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud smiled at Yeshiva. The stink of garlic was starting to rise noticeably from Audfrith's person. As she noticed others making bad smell gestures, she realized it was herself. "I suppose it's time to get home and wash off all of this garlic," she said embarrased.
[14:11] Conall Yowlumne: smiled and wagged his tail more as he tried to dry her tears away, and looked up at Audfrith. "thank you for your help" Conall smiled,
[14:13] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud said goodbye to those around the room and started to head out. "A good day to live, folks. Until later."
[14:13] Yeshi-va looked up to them. " I will seek you later on. I wish to know everything.." she suddenly began to close her eyes slowly for she was losing her strengths again.
then from RPG group chat:
[14:07] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) discreetly left the healers hall, leaving folks to rejoice of their victory, and mend woulds and spirits. Her role as commander, however, asked of her to step back and return to her duties, not participating in the moment as to no seem to favor one over another, and treat everyone onto the same level. Such was the price of Command, but as Holy Thane, she accepted it, walking back to the keep with a proud smile for the valiant souls of the land she served in.
[14:12] Brawn (cathssl.ember): returned to the keep with Black Claw...the most ferocious wolf he had ever seen in battle....proud of all of his guards...but especially Conall who he would recommend for a King's reward...along with Scout Audfrith and Jahanara the demon...All were heros in his eyes.....for himself..he just knew he had done his duty and was now happy to get back to his regular post after informing the king of all the events of the battle
[14:16] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith was becoming overwhelmed with the smell of all of the garlic she had strung around her body at her friend's suggestion . "Time for a good bath," she decided, feeling secure in the safety of Skarvald as she made her way back to her little house.
[14:16] ღLυяiαηαღ (luriana23): Yeshi-va began to sleep, she was at last having a peaceful time sleeping...Life with the Queen had scared her heavily. But now she has heroes to thank. Once she manages to stand on her feet she will do so, with each one.
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