[2016/01/23 12:10] Audfrith arrived at the Ranger's station to find that a hunting party had already left some time ago, and the guard by the door was not good for information about their plans. Audfrith went in to have some of the stiff stew that was always cooking on the stove in the kitchen. She had a long trek home, and she was not sure who else she could really talk to about this assignment. But the stew was hot, even if the meat was unrecognizable in its origin, and it gave her fortitude for the trip back. She looked at the plans left behind on the table, but she could come to no conclusions about where the Rangers group had planned to attack, or if they had planned an attack at all. The markers had no real meaning to her, except for one that seemed to mark the unknown camp she had seen from the top of the hill when she had been out scouting for a new tent spot.
[2016/01/23 13:05] Audfrith had gone an hour or so from the Ranger's station, wandering from the main path to scout for scat and dens, when her foot kicked something buried in the snow. It was a man's body! The head was missing, and some of the organs had been pulled out, but not in a way that an animal would do, with intent to eat. No, Aud shook her head, this was almost like a vengeful murder, the intestines hanging loosely onto the ground. Aud looked around herself on all sides and drew her sword, while making her roll to get out of the forest safely without further incident.
[2016/01/23 13:41] Audfrith made her way back to town and climbed the stairs to the castle's long hall. Bulgrolf the guard remembered her from the Thing, and they talked about the state of the chaos in the kingdom. Bulgrolf pointed out to Aud the general direction of the commotions, and Aud passed along the news to him of finding the body and the location of it. He told her to avoid spreading the news until the king released the findings. She made her way back down to the market to check on her stall, but the uneasy feelings followed her.
[13:46] Audfrith decided to stop off at the Meadhall to get a drink and clear her head. She had seen dead bodies before, but the state of this one had shaken her more than she expected. She realized she had been standing right outside the hall for a couple of minutes, when she finally looked up, shook her head, and knocked her greeting, pushing her way inside.
[13:46] Door: emmiedee Resident (Audfrith) is at the door.
[13:48] DivyaDivya blinks at the light caress, but otherwise keeps her thoughts to herself. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she asks, "Are you sure there is nothing I can get you, milady?"
[13:49] Aud makes her way up to the bar, half sitting onto the stool, until the barkeep had time for her. She reviewed the late events in her mind.
[13:51] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Seeing another enter and sit at the bar.. She reserves her initial comment. "Actually, yes. I'll take a glass of wine." smiles
[13:52] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Turns around, as a familiar sent catches her nose
[13:52] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Walks in the mead hall seein more then a few faces walks up to the Hekate the Sorceress
[13:52] DivyaDivya nods, "Red or white, milady?" As she moves towards the bar she nods to the man who just entered and speaks to the woman with the shield, "Greetings, what may I get you, drink? Something to eat?"
[13:53] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "I thought it was you, Ragnar. Come. Sit."
[13:53] Audfrith: "Thank ye kindly, Miss. I would like a large ale and maybe a pretzel or some day -old bread to balance it." Aud pulls out small coin and sits down on one stool.
[13:54] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "I'll take a glass of red, please, my dear."
[13:55] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Looks off to other woman with polite nod.
[13:55] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Nods to the Lady and to his Sorceress..''Well met yes it was I didn't mean to startle you..turns to the woman..''Yes I'll take some mead please thank you'' Goes to sits with the sorceress.
[13:56] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Nods to Scout
[13:56] DivyaDivya fetches an old bottle of wine, red? black? from the cupboard, and sets it down for the sorceress to approve. Meanwhile she pulls some ale into a mug and places some bread on a wooden plate in front of the shield woman. To the man named Ragnar, she smiles and nods in response to his request, "Coming up, sire."
[13:57] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "What is the black one, my dear?" she asked
[13:58] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Unmaskes his face to eat and drink
[13:58] DivyaDivya answers, "Tis called Cold Blood, a special pressing milady, something special for one like yourself." She hands over the mead to Ragnar, and looks to see that the other woman is happy with her ale and bread.
[13:59] Divya Loharis: (I wanted to rez it but it is not working for me just now)
[13:59] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "Well then. I think I will have to have that, instead." she replies with a smile
[14:00] Audfrith cannot get the image and the feeling of the dead man's body out of her mind, so she nods to the people at the bar and makes her way to a table to sit down.
[14:00] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Smiles..'' Thank you very kindly miss'' Hands her a few copper coins
[14:02] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: looks down at Ragnar's copper pieces, then up to Divya.
[14:03] Audfrith: "Thank you, Miss," Aud remembers to say as she leaves the counter, handing her the money she had already counted out, but then fiddling to add another coin to it. "The bread is good, and the ale is better," she smiles, taking both to sit in the corner of the room.
[14:05] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Sips his mead then pulls the Sorceress close to him wraps his muscular arm around her waist and smiles..'' Anything I can get you''
[14:05] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Smiles
[14:06] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: slides two of her right fingers under her left bracelet. She pulls two coins out. One very clean an shiny gold coin and what appears to be a platinum coin, with a snake coiled around the moon on both side.
[14:07] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "Here you are my dear. The gold one is for the wine, and the other is for you."
[14:09] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Sips the black wine. "Oh, this much better the the Drow's Bloodwine!"
[14:09] DivyaDivya looks at the coins and takes them both, "Thank you, milady, too kind of you!" She watches Ragnar's devotion to the sorceress, and when the sorceress is pleased with her wine selection she beams.
[14:11] Sigrid Holgarsen was huffing and puffing by the time she opened the door to the mead hall and needed a moment to catch her breath"Cursed stairs" she mumbled, taking off her cloak and walked into the hall"Greetings" she chimed giving the woman behind the bar a smile"I am here to start my shift" she said,recognizing the handsome warrior from the market and gifted him with a smile as well.
[14:12] Audfrith's attention wavers to the group at the bar. The muscular man seemed interested in the elf-looking woman, but Aud couldn't tell if his attentions would be returned. She drank her ale smugly, knowing she wouldn't have to intervene in this situation. She is also glad that she tipped the woman extra. Then Aud smiles a bit when she sees the woman, Sigi, enter the hall.
[14:12] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Looks over to Ragnar, handing her glass. "Taste this."
[14:12] DivyaDivya smiles at the woman in the beautifully embroidered robes who enters the meadhall, and was about to ask her order when she says she is her for her shift. "Perfect timing! I need to attend to something in the kitchen. I am Divya, and you are?"
[14:12] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: to him*
[14:12] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Looks behind his shoulder greets the woman from the market place..''Hail..smiles
[14:13] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Takes the Sorceress's glass and takes a sip..''Hmm..nothing like good wine right my dear''...smiles
[14:13] Sigrid Holgarsen: "I am Sigi" she said with a wide smile"Nice te meet ye Divya, I can take over fer ye" she offered and gave Audfrith a wave ,seeing her sitting on a table.
[14:14] Sigrid Holgarsen: ((At a table,not on,lol))
[14:14] DivyaDivya returns the smile, "Have at it, Sigi." Hands her the bar rag and heads over to the fire to check on some meat
[14:15] Divya Loharis: (I really do need to make dinner, back later!)
[14:15] Sigrid Holgarsen: (( see ya))
[14:15] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: See ya later :) ))
[14:15] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ : (( See you take care) ))
[14:15] Audfrith: ((thanks for the nice drink! eat well! :-))
[14:16] Sigrid Holgarsen looked to the two patrons at the bar,noticing that they both had ordered already"Anything else I can get ye two or ye good fer now?" she ask,filling a tray .
[14:17] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) ''I'm good for now, thank you Sig''
[14:19] Aud waved back to Sigi and decided to finish her first drink and get another. She took the plate back as well, putting it onto the bar in front of Sigi. "Good to see ye again, Lady!" Audfrith smiles. "I did hear that ye took a job here, but I don't oft make it to this side of the woods." Aud places the empty tankard also down near the plate.
[14:21] Sigrid smiled at the warrior,then looked to the pale woman "you good too?" placing some mugs on her tray and a flagon of ale,some mead and was ready to head over to the Tanners table. Sigi looked up and grinned at Audfrith"I did,but only one day a week I have time and thank yer fer delivering the Pelt,its the best I have seen so far" she said
[14:25] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "I'm good, yes, thank you."
[14:27] Audfrith: "Somethin I shoulda told ye when ye bought it, and that war that it be a pelt that the old Tanner had made and left behind. That be why I backed it with the others fore I brought it to ye." Aud looks down at her cup and thinks about the dead man she found in the woods again. "Can I get another one of these, Sigi?" Then she added, "even the outside of your house is beautiful. I will come back and see it some day, and you must come and see mine now."
[14:28] ::DB:: Autumn Warmth Serving Platter owned by AriellaClair gave you 'Cider Cup' ( Artstonia (28,148,52) ).
[14:29] Sigrid nodded to the pale woman and went to fill her tray with food as well before she steered through the patrons to serve on a table - coming back she smiled at Audfrith "Ye did a very good job on it - of course what did ye have?" she wanted to know,seeing the Tanners thoughtful glance "Is everything alright ?"
[14:30] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: finishes her glass of Cold Blood wine and set the glass on the bar.
[14:30] Audfrith: "Light mead, please, Sigi," Aud replied. She reached back into her petty change wallet and pulled out the price of the drink with a good tip to offer Sigi, debating whether she should mention the body to her friend.
[14:33] Sigrid nodded quickly and went to fill her order,handing her the mug,then taking the coin with a wide smile"Thank ye Audfrith,too kind of ye"pocketing the tip into her own pouch and the rest went into a separate pouch for the Tavern Keep later. She gave her a quizzing look"Ye alright?"
[14:35] Audfrith: "Well..." she came a little closer to her friend, but she knew her voice might still carry in this hall. "Truth be, I just found a man, or what was left of him, on the walk back from the Ranger's Hall today. I left message for the king, but I am supposed to keep it quiet for now. But the body looked like it had been there for days, and not killed by no animal, neither." Aud stopped to take a breath and a long drink of the ale, wondering if she should continue or stop.
[14:36] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Yawns and wipes off the mead from his mouth using the back of his hand..'' Ahh that was some good mead i say and wine.. well i think im going to go rest my feet for a bit and close my eyes for a bit'' Winks that the Sorceress touches her backside a bit then goes and rests for a bit.
[14:38] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Smiles and the shield woman, hearing her talk of a corpse.
[14:39] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "I don't mean to be rude, or but in, but when you inform the King, he may ask me to examin what you found. Just as he did the last two the were found."
[14:39] Sigrid opened her eyes wide"how can ye be sure it wasn't an animal?" she ask in a hushed voice"I haven't heard of any body missing,word usually travels like wild fire ye know" Sigi watched the warrior walk to a chair and put up his feet,then turned her attention back to Audfrith
[14:40] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Leans back in the chair from a far closes his eyes and rests for a bit but his ears are sharp and always alert.
[14:40] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Listens to their conversation as he rests
[14:41] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: looks back and Glares at Rangar, after feeling him touch her backside.
[14:43] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Opens one eye and gives the sorceress a smirk while he lays back in the chair.
[14:43] Audfrith: "Well, I thought it war common ken, but the king and queen were attacked about two weeks ago. There have been some heads showing up without their bodies attached, and we Rangers have orders from the queen to watch out for a demoness called -- Morgana? -- or something like that." Aud leans onto the closest stool, realizing that she may have said too much. "I don't know these people, Sigi, you know I'm new here, and so much of this is new to me, and now a demoness is on the prowl? What can even be done against something like that?" Aud drinks another draught heavily.
[14:44] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: shakes her head, staring daggers at Ragnar.
[14:46] Sigrid blinked at the pale woman"There are more then one found dead?" she gasped and thought about her long way home and specially for her Grandmother who came to town more then once a week. "Who was it?" looking from Audfrith to the pale woman and back.Sigi nodded"I have heard about the heads"she whispered,then pointed her chin in the warriors direction" He is one of te Jarls Thanes ,perhaps he knows?"
[14:46] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Chuckles to herself at the mention of Morgana.
[14:46] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Gives a brow to the sorceress while he was resting says in his voice..'' Well I must say I apologize sorceress please forgive me''
[14:49] Audfrith: "I wouldn't let her be a-walkin around, Sigi, and I don't think you ought to be either. Is Dayne coming to pick you up tonight, when you leave here?" Audfrith glances over at the Elf woman who seems to have a knowing look on her face and in her eyes. "It seems it's getting hard to know who to trust these days," she says, looking around behind her as well.
[14:50] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "I can give a number of the dead found in the wood. I can only tell you I have personally examined the two of them, at the King's request and have determined they were murdered. Not by any animal, but by one who walks on two feet. Human, or Demon, I connot say, just yet."
[14:51] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Sits back in his chair and replies to the rest in the hall..'' Ahh the demoness Morrigan I heard she's been taking men and women and children she's as foul as they come don't underestimate her. Id be careful wakling at night tho if I were you tho''.... Leans back in his chair more
[14:52] Sigrid 's eyes went bigger"Ye a sorceress?" she ask,looking at the pale woman ,having overheard the warrior. "And ye shouldn't be surprised a man touching yer ass if ye dressed like that....No offense "she added. Immediately the thought of a shifter came to mind and she bit her lower lip, hoping Deen had nothing to do with these murders. Sigi nodded to Audfrith"I will let her know " she promised
[14:53] Aud comes closer to the Elf woman. "You've seen these other dead? Also missing the head like this one, entrails pulled out?" she questions her. Why was so much information missing from what the king and queen were saying, she wondered. But she said no more, and waited to see if the Elf Sorceress would tell them more about it, or if Ragnar really seemed to know what he was saying.
[14:54] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Looks over to Ragnar. “You gave the demon too much credit. You feed her ego when you fear her, and spread tale that she is some horror that cannot be stopped. I have seen and talked with much greater dark ones then she." rolls her eyes at the thought of this demonic Morgana.
[14:56] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) '' No offense taken Sig no worries I assure you that like I said i have my apologies to the Sorceress.'' No need to worry about me feeing the demoness's ego I'm not.'' Tells us Sorceress of some more horror stories more worse then Morrigan please do tell I'm listening''
[14:56] Audfrith: "My name is Audfrith, Sorceress, and I am with the King's Rangers, but really I just want to go home and have a smoke." Aud sighed. "But I am pledged to help the King and his family. What do you think this Morgana wants, and why is she killing people?" Aud pointedly asked the two.
[14:57] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "A bold tongue, for a Bar Winch.. And Ragnar is...mine.. A little rough around the edges, but I'll fix that in time. Had it just been some man to touch me, he'd be vomiting up his inside right now. "
[15:00] Sigrid didn't like the sound of it all and hoped the king would do everything in his power to find who was responsible for this predicament. Sigi gave a glance at the one she called Ragnar - now it made sense - then looked back to the sorceress"I call i how i see it" she shrugged"I meant no offense,it's alright if ye won't tip me,but I didn't know he was yer Mate"
[15:00] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Smiles at his lovely sorceress comment then replies to the rangers...''Aye I'll tell you what this demoness wants she wants to terrorize our village perhaps give total obilteration to us...Maybe she has something against the family did you think of that ranger''
[15:01] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "Nod to Audfiith. "I too am here to aid the King, as my Order requested. I think this Morgana is playing games.. Trying to scare the people of Skarvald. in a panic and chaos."
[15:02] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "The best thing to do is to not let that happen.. I can not say much more on the subject, without the King's approving so. Perhaps when in the palace, with the King, I will be better discuss this with you "
[15:03] Audfrith: "How can she be stopped? Is it magic that we need against her, or sheer fighting force?" Aud is not used to caring about her village or town, much less the individual people in it. She seems a bit panicked herself, and confused about where to start. "Do we try to kill her?"
[15:03] Sigrid scoffed"Well then that Morgana doesn't know what people of the North are made of" - placing the tray on the counter "I best get to the market ans collect Grandmother,we best get home before it get too dark" she said" Odin bless ye all" giving Audfrith a light squeeze on her arm,before she hurried out the door((sorry guys,I need to log,thanks for the RP))
[15:04] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) nods to the sorceress's comment..'' I second that I'm here also to defend the King and his family but also the citizens of skarvald as well it's my duty and so is the Thanes no need to show this Morrigan fear that's what she wants..I say''
[15:05] Audfrith: ((take care, Sigi! See you soon!))
[15:05] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Have good evening :) ))
[15:06] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ : (( Bye Sig take care ))
[15:07] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "I wouldn't worry about Morgana.. I can only say I have been looking into ways of stopping her. She is a demon and all demon must follow a set of rules. The rules of their dark realm. This how she can be stopped."
[15:08] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) Stands up slowly walks over to the sorceress and ranger from his small nap sits down for a bit.
[15:10] Audfrith: "Thank ye, Lady Sorceress. Your words have brought me some peace today. I will make my way back now home and keep myself prepared for what might come." Aud puts down the ale and nods to the two.
[15:11] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "You're welcome. My dear. Be save on your walk home."
[15:12] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ (theseaiclles) ''Audfrith please be careful I ask you mind the night but just be careful please.. Is all I ask be well ranger''
[15:13] Audfrith nods, unshielding her sword and carrying it while she goes to the door.
[15:14] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: "Come, Ragnar. We are going home."
[15:15] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Looks at Ragnar. "The Door?"
[15:16] Audfrith: ((thanks for the rp! I also have to be off now. Have a good day.))
[15:16] Door: Theseaiclles Resident is at the door.
[15:16] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: Thank you too, it was nice ))
[15:16] ŔคĞиคя ŁØĐßŔØΚ : ((Welcome you as well thank you have a great rest of your evening :) ))
[15:17] Audfrith said to them, "Come visit me any time. I have the old Tanner's house on the other side of the market."
[15:18] ΉﻉkαϮє Ŋєբђaяiυş: (((Thanks, that sounds fun lol ))
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