from Skarvald RP chat
Vampire fight planned then called off
[11:28] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith had made her way quickly from the docks to her house, then almost as quickly again back out after receiving the call from the king's messengers and changing into her Ranger gear. She made her way up the long stairs, wondering what new threat faced Skarvald. She saw the chaotic movement ahead of her at the Jarl's home, so she pushed into the mead hall for a short drink.
[11:54] Ðεlαεh (delice78): Kavitan: kneels down by the altar and starts to write a note, Dear Daughter when you receive this letter i may or may not have taken over this town called Skarvalt there king is one of the moon so a easy target once he leaves his hiding place, you are my second in command my Eldest and i hope you receive this letter in one piece and that you are able to find me take a ship like how i did and head straight west, she lays down the pencil and pricks in her wrist so some blood wells up from the punctured wound, she pushes then her wrist against the paper then slides her nail over the still wet blood and writes, her name with the blood, she takes her biggest rat the one that followed her with his pack, and ties it to its tail, go my little friend she whispers to the rat while feeding him a little of her own blood, go find my Daughter over the sea and bring her this news, she pushes the rat so it squeeks and starts running following the orders it has been given
[12:15] Brawn (cathssl.ember): takes his post at the Keeps gate as usual...looking out over the expanse of Skarvald hoping for some excitement
[12:17] Ðεlαεh (delice78): Kavitan: watches the rat with the note to her daughter disappearing then she sees somebody waving at her
[12:19] Brawn (cathssl.ember): leaving the gate to Bulgrolf he heads for the docks to check in with the guards there and to make sure everyone is awake and keeping a sharp eye out for the vampire
[12:24] Ðεlαεh (delice78): Kavitan: looks up,,and mumbles well daylight spoils my fun,,as she flaps her wings to fly back to her dark area
[12:25] Brawn (cathssl.ember): making it to the docks he has a conversation with the guards there asking if they had seen anything during the long night...they had not...but during the conversation he saw a large rat scurrying seemed to be carrying some sort of paper in it's rushed aboard a ship that was leaving port.........
[12:26] Ðεlαεh (delice78): Kavitan: walks in the dust spreading around her feet with each step she takes
[12:30] Brawn (cathssl.ember): /22 steps backwards unto a rat and jumps killing it...
[13:02] Brawn (cathssl.ember): , as daylight rose in the sky...decided to look about for a home that he could get for a reasonable cost....knowing that Tina would be bothering him now about moving in together now that he'd given his pledge of love to her..It might be nice he thought....having meals cooked for him....a place of comfort and security when he was not working..and above all some privacy for them both...he smiled as he opened the door of a cottage not far from the Keep...just to look it over
[13:04] Brawn (cathssl.ember): taking the ladder that rose to the bedloft...he smiles again...thinking of the nights of amorous copulation that might take place there...
[13:10] Brawn (cathssl.ember): outside again...he imagined a little garden..maybe a few chickens and warm firelight coming thru the windows as evening drew on...He hadn't been so happy in many years as he travelled on looking at other places..not really knowing yet what Tina herself might have in mind
[14:16] Audfrith (emmiedee): Having been sent home from the Rangers cabin -- the vampire threat had been deemed too dangerous to mount a head-on attack against at this time for some reason -- Audfrith's lack of sleep was beginning to catch up with her. She drank a final ale in the long hall, aware that the couple in the corner was up to something, but she did not suspect that it was of concern to her or the Jarl's safety.
from local
[12:25] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Gut day Captain," Aud said to Brawn. "Lots of rats around lately."
[12:27] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Indeed there be more rats on this bloody dock than I've seen in weeks...Where they come from is a mystery...for we get rid of many and twice as many seem to take their place...Who would you be dear lady?
[12:29] Audfrith (emmiedee): "I be Audfrith, Ranger, Scout class. I had my training just started when Master Ranger Ulf left the area. I am Skarvald's fur trapper by profession, but I serve in the rangers as needs be. I hae a fightin' backgroun'" Aud said.
[12:37] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Well it is good to make your acquaintance Audfrith...I guess you have already heard of me!" he laughed
[12:37] Audfrith (emmiedee): "I heered great stores o' YE, Captain Brawn, and I be glad to meet ye." Aud dodged a rat and reached for her small bow.
[12:37] Brawn threw some bricks at several of the rats on the wharf as he spoke..killing the odd one
[12:40] Brawn watched as Audfrith took aim at some of the rats " You're good with the bow" he remarked with a smile
[12:41] Audfrith (emmiedee): "A small target practice be better than none at all," she almost smiled. "Me long bow needs real work, but on the hunting, I be right gut."
[12:48] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Hae ye heert from Master Ranger Ulf, Captain? Know ye if the wolves still be coming to Skarvald? I seen nae the pups nor the old pack since Ulf sailed." Aud picked up her loose arrows disgustedly, the rats running happily over where she had missed them.
[12:49] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "I've not see master Ulf in some time I'm afraid...I do hope he intends to return soon.
[13:20] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Welcome! Make yeself ta home," Aud called out to Captain Brawn as she saw him walking by.
[13:26] Brawn heard the voice and recognized it as Audfrith's "I didn't mean to interrupt...just looking about for a house"
[13:29] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Keine worries, Captain. I jus be havin a rest a'fore I start the other work o the day." Aud toasted him with her horn. "Ye be welcome to the mead here, Captain."
[13:35] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "I thank ye Aud...but I'll have to be goin to the hall to see me sweetie in a little bit of time....She'll be expectin me there..but it is a kind offer" he smiled with thanks
[13:36] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "How long you been livin here Aud?"
[13:37] Audfrith (emmiedee): "I be here on more'n 6 months now, but I be gone for tradin and huntin quite a lot," Aud said, looking down into her cup as though she was not saying everything. "But, when Master Ranger Ulf be aroun, he kept hisself fed from that pot," Aud smiled a little.
[13:38] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "I look forward to seeing him again...and soon I hope. I'll be bringing my Tina over to visit with you ..IF we move into the house up a little way from here" he smiled....She doesn't have many friends...."
[13:40] Audfrith (emmiedee): "I be honored, Captain. I be sure that she already know Sigi, me friend that works in the bar sometimes. But since her young 'un come, I seen her not so much eiter," Aud looked wistful.
[13:45] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "yes..of course..Sigi hired her...but she doesn't see much of her fact she seems to do most of the running of the mead hall herself now..I just hope she'll takes some time off to cook me dinners at the house I plan to I don't have to go to the mead hall all the time...especially for breakfast!"
[13:46] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud smiled to herself at his male expectations. Most women in Skarvald had not fit the norm of her experiences, and she wondered if Tina would be the "little woman" that Brawn expected... She drank another sip to avoid saying anything and nodded.
[13:48] Brawn of course Brawn had no idea whatsoever what kind of mate that Tina would be...He just knew he loved her personality..her very large bosom and her cooking.....that would be enough to keep any man happy...or so he thought!"
[13:51] Brawn stood now "Glad to have found out more about you Aud..and hope we meet again soon....You might want to visit the Mead Hall onw and again..I'm sure you'll run into Tina there some time...for now I'd better head there myself!"
[13:52] Audfrith (emmiedee) finished her mead and lay the cup on the table. "I reckon I can get back to me day, if the vampire evil is to wait for our weapons." Aud sighed. What to do with the day now? "I will head up there some time soon, and please, tell ye Missus to be that ye always both be welcome here."
[13:54] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "I"ll be sure to tell her that..and happily so" he bowed a little in respect and made his way back up the hill
[13:57] Audfrith (emmiedee) waved goodbye.
[14:03] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Hello Berta, I guess Sigi is not here?" Aud asked the woman behind the bar. "Just a tall mead, please, Berta," she finished, leaning slightly on the bar.
[14:07] Skhylar Duke (skhylar) looks over to the bar and sits up straight, clearly the woman there was a guard of some sort and I am thinking myself over slowly before answering the Captain.
[14:11] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith had noticed the shifty-looking couple sitting at the back table when she came in, but since most of the residents of Skarvald looked questionable on many days, she paid little attention to it, other than to notice that they seemed as if they could both provide a good fight on a bad day.
[14:12] Captain Aquene Ayita looked up at her and arched a brow. The Captain could have sort of a scowl look to her, but what captain wouldn't? She did not speak, again not rare, and took small sips of her Mead
[14:14] Skhylar Duke (skhylar) leans back into the nesting spot near her ear, now full with raven locks and I push them aside again and soft brush against her cheek and earlobe, “Then let us have an agreement, you and I. One that will keep us both flush with money…” I stroke the back of her neck and brush my mouth against her ear, “…and..” my hand slips under the table to grab her inner thigh gently, not caring who sees, “.. just flush..” I turn just so, in order to see the guard. If she looked at me I would give a nod, for all she knew we were two lovers holed up in the corner of the room, drunk on mead and careless of our lude desires.
[14:16] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith's lack of sleep was beginning to catch up with her. She drank a final ale in the long hall, aware that the couple in the corner was up to something, but she did not suspect that it was of concern to her or the Jarl's safety.
[14:18] Captain Aquene Ayita smirked a bit, leaning a tad into him, "A captains life is completely about the money," she looked down at his hand with her eyes, not moving her head from its held high position, taking another sip, "I am sure something fair can be worked out - What is it exactly you need moved?" She asked, placing her free hand on his leg as well, turned to face him a bit
[14:22] Skhylar Duke (skhylar) grins, " I need things moved that would not sell well in the market, the main market that is. Thinks that perhaps a fair and just King would turn a nose at.." my hand slides up a bit to the middle of her thigh, my finger tips moving only slightly so they caress and not tickle, "... I know you are all business Aquene... but perhaps, we see to the pleasure aspect of our arrangement first - hate to waste good mead." I lean close and brush my mouth across her bottom lip, "unless you would like all the details now?"
[14:26] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud finished her mead, and turned to pay Berta, pulling something extra from her pocket. "Berta, keep this on for safety. It be said that vampires cannae hurt ye, when ye be wearin garlic. I do nae kin if that be true er nae, but gie this un here ta Siggi, if ye will, Berta, when she come in, will ye?" Aud handed Berta an extra necklace with the garlic hanging from it and nodded strangely.
[14:27] Captain Aquene Ayita chuckled, letting him toy around with her. She chuckled, taking another sip from her glass, "There is enough mead in here for us to talk for days, and the second round will be on me, so speak, tell me of these things." She pulled back her hair behind her ear so he could whisper to her, her hand as close as it could be before being... dead on.
[14:28] Skhylar Duke (skhylar): (LMAO)
[14:28] BleedingSnow Resident OOC : haha
[14:28] Skhylar Duke (skhylar): (sorry, she is handing garlic to the bar wench and your hand is now on my... ya.. sorry, had to laugh)
[14:30] Audfrith (emmiedee): ((it's funny what all could go on in a crowded room...))
[14:32] Audfrith (emmiedee): ((well written story, even if a bit intimate, hah -- i'm out for bed here in germany now anyway. Hope you have a good one! wish there was somewhere you could post your story.))
[14:32] Skhylar Duke (skhylar): (thanks for the RP, will find a way to share it)
[14:32] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud knew that she could not answer Berta's questions, and she felt the effect of last night's journey combined with the excitement of the vampire chaos of the morning. "Just wear it, ya, Berta? And ask Siggi to stop in by my place later." She pulled an extra coin from her pouch and left it on the counter for Berta. "See you soon..."
[14:35] Skhylar Duke (skhylar) clears my throat when I feel her hand and I tilt my head only and laugh with a bit of a "heh". As my fingers play up and down on the nape of her neck I nod, "There is a lack of power in the black market I intend to exploit. I have already... let's say, befriended the dregs left over at the Marauders den on the south shore, I have a buyer waiting for some crates.. lets animals. Rare, exotic. YOu won't need to care for them, they will be packed with all they need and I have a man that can go with you to ensure their safety." I press my nose against her ear and whisper, "my buyer is paying enough gold I would split it with you, 50/50"
[14:37] Captain Aquene Ayita listened. It sounded like non charted deals she did very frequently. He only got an outburst when he neared the end, "No. No men on my ship that are not mine." She looked at him with a nod, "We can handle it. I have transported werewolves before" She chuckled
[14:39] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith looked one last time at the young woman in the corner, just to be sure that she was safe enough with the man in her company. But as she looked a little closer, she wondered if it might not be the man who was in trouble... She nodded to both, as they appeared to be lost in each other's company, and turned toward the door.
[14:39] Captain Aquene Ayita nodded back as the woman left
[14:40] Skhylar Duke (skhylar) nods to the woman as she leaves
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