Brawn and Tina's Wedding

rp on Friday 17 June

[14:30] Brawn (cathssl.ember): Being very careful not to wake Tina from her beauty nap before the wedding party..he climbs into the tub..clothes and all....well...they were a bit stinky..just like him...might as well wash everything at the same time he thought
[14:40] Brawn (cathssl.ember): once the bath was complete he thought he should get to the hall as Tina might want to prepare in private when she woke....he creeped down the stairs and out the door...where he picked a couple of roses off a nearby bush that Tina had planted near the house....he fixed them to his jacket before heading to the hall
[14:42] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud had finished her gift for Tina and Brawn just in time, then realized that the box she was going to use smelled like fish. "Great," she said out loud, and hurried to find one she could repair quickly.
[14:57] Tina (artful.kidd): Rose from her beauty nap and quickly washed and dressed in her brand new dress...she had her hair colored with flower dust yesterday to match and also painted her shoes..She added a fresh wreath of flowers to her hair and stuck in an extra ..just because...then headed out to the hall where she knew she would find her Captain
[15:00] Tina (artful.kidd): arriving at the mead hall door she stopped
[15:00] Tina (artful.kidd): "What am I DOING!?" she asked herself and almost felt like running away
[15:03] Tina (artful.kidd): "Just nerves...Just nerves" she thought to herself....and taking a deep breath....went inside before she could think again

[14:55] Door: emmiedee Resident is at the door.
[14:56] Door: Alleyne Swordthain is at the door.
[14:57] Yeshi-va smiled and blushed a little having only ranked up as an acolyte recently. " A pleasure to meet you as well." she bowed once again with her head.
[14:58] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud looked around for somewhere to put the gifts. The tables looked so nice, and everything was so beautifully decorated. She saw Alleyne and Yeshi-va and walked towards them.
[14:59] Seren waves just a bit to Alleyne, "Ms.Qiara I'll be helping Berta get the drinks ready. Call if you need me."
[14:59] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara looks over at the people who walked into the hall. She looked at Audfrith "feel free to drop the box by the bar." She gives a smile at Alleyne "Pleasure to see you."
[15:00] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) tried not to have outgrown her only proper parade armor of her early paladin days. She smiled and nodded to all present, smiling to the Captain "Well, Captain, seems the time for you has arrived to pledge your devotion to someone more special than Skarvald." She winked "And we will all agree that it is a good thing for both of you"
[15:02] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Well I DO agree..Tina is the best thing that has happened to me since........well...since...forever!"
[15:03] Yeshi-va nods to Alleynes words and smiled softly to her. " Wonderful to see you my friend." she was so happy to be among so many friends and having the chance to be at such a beautiful event.
[15:03] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Greetings, all!" Audfrith said, walking up to the crowd, almost unable to see over the too-big box that she was able to find. She turned around to see Tina walk in, with a brand new hair color
[15:04] Loki the Phoenix looks back over his wing seeing Tina and chips out, "Lady of the hour is here!"
[15:04] Tina (artful.kidd): "Well here I AM and here YOU are my Captain" she smiled and took a seat near him
[15:04] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara smiles brightly at seeing her friend enter. "You look absolutely lovely today Tina. I am so happy for the both of you."
[15:05] Tina (artful.kidd): "I"m so happy that you allowed me to have the celebration here at the hall Quiara!" she smiled "Everything looks good "
[15:05] Yeshi-va looked at Audfrith and smiled." Hello darling." she then looked to the other side to see our bride with a brand new hair color." Hello Tina. What a wonderful choice for a hair color, it looks lovely." she bowed to her gracefully.
[15:07] Tina (artful.kidd): "I worked till late into the night to make sure everything was done...I thought this color would better match my dress...I used some flower pollen" she chuckled " I hope no one is going to sneeze!"
[15:07] Loki the Phoenix walks around the happy couple making his way over to Seren.
[15:09] Seren looks down at the bird and smiles at him.
[15:09] Brawn pointed Audfrith out to Tina saying " It was she that played such a large role in helping to overcome the Vampire"
[15:09] Audfrith (emmiedee): "We met a few days ago, Captain. Ye look lovely, and greetings on yer High Day, Lady Tina. Ye seem to be just the right match for our guard. I made ye both somthin," Aud said, putting the box down at her feet.
[15:10] Tina (artful.kidd): "Oh ..lovely to meet you" she said as she turned to look at the woman "That box looks awfully heavy!"
[15:11] Tina (artful.kidd): "Oh yes...Audfrith..We have met "as she finally saw the woman "You made us something?" she raised a brow with a smile
[15:11] Yeshi-va nods to Captain Brawns words. She was thankful to all of them. Those days near the vampire queen were days she wishes to forget.
[15:11] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[15:11] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[15:12] Toothy Tina slowly unpacked the box
[15:14] Seren walks up to the bird and put a hand on her hip trying to be quiet, "I know you Loki be nice today or I'll tell Qiara to ignore you for a week."
[15:15] Audfrith (emmiedee): "If ye look on th' side, one have a B on top fur Brawn and one the T on top for -- well," Aud smiled shyly. "We b'lieve that ye don't want to get ye drinks mixed up, ha."
[15:16] Loki the Phoenix looks a bit displeased up at Seren and trills quietly as he can back to her, "Thats low Seren, but fine I'll be 'nice'."
[15:16] Tina (artful.kidd): "What a very thoughtful gift!..and very useful too! Oh I thank you so much Adufrith!"
[15:18] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "You amaze me dear Audfrith..You actually made these yourself?"
[15:18] Seren whispers best she can to the bird, "Good, now I have a LOT of drinks to prep so go bother Qiara." shoos him away with the wave of her hand.
[15:19] Audfrith (emmiedee): "I been workin' w' some leather tools left behind by the old tanner. That be a deer killed last fall, on the outside o'that bota," Aud nodded. "It be me first project w' the leather carving. Glad ye like it."
[15:20] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara looked at the gifts that Audfrith had made for the couple. She smiled, being very impressed with the craftsmanship.
[15:21] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "They will be well used M'Lady...well used..for I plan to take my Tina on picnics and we can use them for that surely!"
[15:21] Loki the Phoenix wanders over to the woman of his dreams and proceeds to ogles the Faun.
[15:23] Brawn took the bags and set then under the table for now
[15:24] Toothy Tina stood with an idea..."Would everyone like to try a dance as we wait to see if King Balder and Queen Ellie make it here on time for the blessing?"
[15:24] Tina (artful.kidd): "Come now...give it a try..I'll show you how"
[15:25] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "If you insist dear" and he rose to try the dance steps
[15:26] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) would chuckle, and shake her head slowly "This Harbinger's lost her skills to dance in armor ! "
[15:26] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud walked over to the bar to ask Qiara for a drink, when she noticed the almost glowing bird that seemed to be transfixed near her. "Uh, Qiara..." Aud stepped awkwardly in front of the bird. "Could I hae one o' whatever's goin' tonight?" She heard the music start and turned to see a few people move to the dance floor.
[15:28] Harp Signature EX: "Andakten"
[15:28] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara smiles and nods "Of course you can." She reaches behind herself and Berta puts a horn in Qiara's hand. "Here you are, for Tina and Brawn's special day, I've brought out the good mead." She hands a horn to Audfrith.
[15:28] Second Life: Virus579 Resident gave you ~Soedara~ Horn Drink.
[15:30] Yeshi-va leaned towards the table and thought she might go and try to dance a little herself...She stood up and got next to the happy couple. With a soft smile she began to catch on with their steps and mimic what ever they were doing.
[15:30] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Come one Come all..the more the merrier!" he called to everyone laughing that he was able to follow the steps wi no problems so far..though he feared stepping on toes
[15:31] Loki the Phoenix looks up at Qiara and pulls her dress just a little.
[15:31] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Thank ye. It be so pretty i'here. Ye done a fine job makin' the place up." Aud said to Qiara. She felt the push of another customer behind her. "Thanks again," she nodded, moving out of the way towards the dance floor to watch the others.
[15:33] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara looks at her and smiles. "It does look lovely, the credit must go to Tina though for making the place look so lovely." She turns her head and looks over towards the dancing couple and decided to go dance. She looked behind her self at Berta and made a motion to help anyone who needed it. She smiles down at the bird and pats him on the head as she made her way over to dance, looking at the others as she did so "Come on, I bet it'll be fun."
[15:34] Harp Signature EX: performed by Erik Asp Upmark (recording available at
[15:34] Cyn (annalise101) makes her way over to the dance floor a bit hesitantly, and in turn attempts to replicate what the others seem to be doing. This... Would be interesting, to say the least.
[15:34] Harp Signature EX: "Fingerstrackarn"
[15:35] Balder Foehammer is online.
[15:35] Loki the Phoenix turns his gaze to the Harbinger and chirps up to her, "Come on, why not give the dancing a try?"
[15:36] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) smiles to the bird, softly shaking her head no "I will be fine here. Dancing is not something that comes naturally to me."
[15:36] Toothy Tina laughed and giggled as they all made a few mistakes in the steps but kept on going ...having so much fun it didn't matter
[15:37] Seren keeps helping Berta with the drinks getting things ready.
[15:38] Loki the Phoenix nods his head to her and trills out, "Yes I understand, my dancing is uuuhh more like flailing around.'
[15:38] Harp Signature EX: performed by Erik Asp Upmark (recording available at
[15:38] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud took a few deep gulps of the good mead. She had never really been to a dance before, and the others all seemed to be so good, turning together. Even when Captain Brawn went the wrong way, he quickly stepped back in line and kept going. She wondered if she would ever have a wedding like this one. Quickly the horn was empty and she was faced with the decision: another drink, or go to those on the floor calling to her? "Ja, ja, aw'right, but when I step on ye toes, ye hae none to blame but yeselves" Aud said, moving into the dancers' circle.
[15:39] Harp Signature EX: "Himlens Polka"
[15:40] Yeshi-va smiled as friends kept joining them in the dance. She did her best not to step of someone else's foot, but either way se was enjoying her time there.
[15:40] Harp Signature EX: performed by Erik Asp Upmark (recording available at
[15:40] Toothy Tina laughed out loud...her face actually getting sore from so much laughter " What Fun!" she exclaimed
[15:40] ~SWAN~ 'Horse's' Bransle Group Dance: Hi emmiedee! Touch me to change and/or adjust pose.
[15:41] Loki the Phoenix walks up to the dancing and start to dance himself, indeed more like flailing about then anything.
[15:41] Harp Signature EX: "Slippolska"
[15:42] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara looks back over her shoulder from where she was dancing and chuckles at the phoneix's dancing, thinking that it was adorable.
[15:45] Seren looks back over at the dancing and smiles happy to see all the joy in the room. She gets back to work making sure everything is perfect.
[15:45] Balder Foehammer is offline.
[15:47] Brawn notices a messenger coming in and whispering something in Qiara's ear
[15:49] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara nods and takes what the messenger handed to her. She steps out of the circle and walks over to the bar and places it safely underneath it. She looks over where everyone is dancing and smiles.
[15:50] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) looked whimsically at the dancing, a slight melancholy in er eyes. Still she smiled, enjoying the sight of hapiness amongst her people.
[15:51] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud enjoyed the dancing more than you had expected. The others were very helpful to her, and she found herself smiling. The other women looked so pretty. Aud decided that she might buy herself a new dress.
[15:51] Toothy Tina looks so thrilled with all the joy that their wedding was bringing to the people of had been long since she had seen any wedding here...and after so many battles and death it was good
[15:52] Brawn took much pleasure in seeing how happy everyone was...especially the big toothy grin on Tina's face...but he became more nervous as time approached for the actual Blessing Ceremony
[15:53] Loki the Phoenix keeps up his overly happy flailing really enjoys all the people around him.
[15:53] Yeshi-va was glad peaceful times had once again reached the land and blessed all within it with joyful days.
[15:56] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara watches them for a minute longer before looking over at the bar where Seren and Berta were busily working preparing trays of mead and wine for after the ceremony was over. She nodded happily and everything seemed to be going smoothly. She looks at Alleyne and gave her a small smile "Are you in need of a drink or anything?"
[15:56] Seren smiles at all the happy faces in the room as she readys every for the Blessing Ceremony.
[15:57] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) gave Qiara a smile "No, I will be find, Lady Qiara. I am just swimming in reminiscent thoughts. But your guests my be feeling up a thirst by now." She grinned.
[15:58] Yeshi-va stopped dancing and bowed to all. She looked at the couple next to her with a soft smile and took a deep breath. "Well, Its time." she said peacefully. She raised her voice. " May I ask that everyone takes a sit, for it is time that the blessing takes place." she guided the couple to the two chairs at the center of the mead hall.
[15:58] Brawn was certainly feeling a bit thirsty...but didn't want to have too many ales this that he might do a proper job during the Blessing...not to mention ...later!
[15:59] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara looked over at where the others were, she watched as the couple was led to the chairs and smiled as she sat down to watch the blessing ceremony.
[15:59] Harp Signature EX: performed by Erik Asp Upmark (recording available at
[16:00] Loki the Phoenix stops his dancing and walks over to Qiara to sit near her.
[16:01] Harp Signature EX: "Florellen"
[16:01] Seren finishes the last of the work and walks over to take a seat and watch.
[16:03] Yeshi-va moves towards the center of the mead hall with a big bright smile. She stood in front of the happy couple and folded her hands. She was hoping the High Priestess would be there to do the blessing, yet she carefully asked Yeshi-va to do so. "I thank you all for coming on this blessed day. I will begin the blessing." she looked at the couple asking for their approval.
[16:03] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud stood further out of the way, curious as what would happen next.
[16:04] Toothy Tina nodded vigorously
[16:05] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Let it happen!"
[16:06] Toothy Tina looked over at Brawn with devotion in her eyes
[16:07] Brawn returned Tina's look with a smile
[16:08] Yeshi-va nodded and closed her eyes. She then slowly began to raise her hands and began to speak. " O´YE FREYJA! I ASK FOR YOUR PRESENCE AT THIS OUR. COME AID ME IN BONDING THESE TWO SOULS, THAT THEY MAY ONE DAY REACH THE WALLS OF VALHALLA AS A INSEPARABLE PAIR..." she kept going
[16:09] Toothy Tina fingered the lucky necklace that Seren had given her yesterday... as Yeshi'va spoke
[16:09] Brawn tapped his foot nervously hoping he wasn't making a mistake......
[16:11] Brawn took another look at Tina's happy face and knew he had made the right decision he smiled and turned his attention back to the Seer
[16:12] Toothy Tina thought that maybe stars were coming out of her eyes now...but it was tears of happiness
[16:14] Brawn was transfixed by the beauty of the ceremony and wondered why it took him so long to reach this point
[16:15] Yeshi-va began to glow of pure light essence stepped inside the mead hall and she directed it to them..." O´YE ALL FATHER! LAY YOUR EYES ON THESE LOVING SOULS AND ALLOW THEM TO LIVE IN DAYS OF PEACE AS THEY COME TO WISH TO RAISE ONE OF THEIR OWN IN YOUR HONOR!"....
[16:17] Toothy Tina could feel her stomach rumbling since she had not dared to eat anything earlier in the day for fear of burping during the ceremony but she forgot her hunger as the light came to them and seemed to hold them in it's care...she visibly sighed
[16:18] Brawn was overcome with what he could only describe as the light enveloped them
[16:19] Yeshi-va began to glow even more as the blessing was at its end. " Captain Brawn! DO YOU ACCEPT TO BOND YOURSELF WITH TINA IN ETERNAL UNION?" she waited for a response.
[16:20] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "I DO" he said solemnly but with great happiness within him now
[16:22] Yeshi-va nodded. " Tina! DO YOU ACCEPT TO BOND WITH THIS MAN FOR ETERNAL UNION?" she waited as well.
[16:22] Second Life: Cathssl Ember gave you Snapshot : Skarvald -RPG Viking Medieval Fantasy Roleplay , Art.
[16:22] L??i??? (luriana23): (( sorry on last post * meant to say tina *facepalm* Vixy is so much better at this ;P ))
[16:22] Tina (artful.kidd): ((you are doing GREAT!!))
[16:26] Toothy Tina gulped ..hesitated for one moment..then said....
[16:26] Tina (artful.kidd): "I DO!"
[16:28] Yeshi-va looked up and opened her eyes. Rays of light struck the mead hall as soon, sparkles of bluish light began to dance around the happy couple and manifested the gods acceptance in their union. Heavenly voices sang with great pride that at last these two are together for all in Valhalla to see. " LET ALL HEAR THAT I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU! HUSBAND AND WIFE!" she smiled and got on her knees bowing to the two of them.
[16:30] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Odin's Balls!"Aud heard herself saying Sigi's favorite phrase as the hall lit up around Yeshi-va.
[16:30] Tina (artful.kidd): "That was the most beautiful Blessing Ceremony I've EVER seen!" she hugged and kissed Yeshi'va
[16:31] Seren smiles a bit then lets out a little sight.
[16:32] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "It was indeed dear Yeshi'va...And we thank you from our hearts for doing such a wonderful job of it!"
[16:32] Yeshi-va smiles and hugged her tight. " I hope i did not miss anything the High Priestess told me yesterday. She truly wanted to be here." she said and nodded to Brawn. " Thank you captain."
[16:33] Brawn knelt before her " It is just for us to give OUR thanks...You certainly did not miss a thing"
[16:34] Alleyne (alleyne.swordthain) smiled, clapping hands in cheering for the newly weds
[16:35] Yeshi-va began to stand up. " Well I believe now its the time for some tasty mead! Congratulations to the both of you. Bless you."
[16:35] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara claps her hands and looks genuinely happy for the couple. She walks over to where she put the package from the messenger, grabbing it from where she put it for safekeeping. She walks closer over to the couple holding the small thing wrapped in cloth. "Captain, Tina. I have a present for you on behalf of the King. He sends his congratulations to you and his apology that he can't be here now. He asked me to present you with this, a key to your new home. May you forever be happy and raise a healthy family with love and honor within its' walls." She held the key out to them, a genuinely happy look on her face.
[16:35] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Now folks" he announced..It is time to eat drink and be merry!"
[16:36] Loki the Phoenix lets out a sweet cry of joy, "Congratulations you two!"
[16:37] Brawn stopped mid sentence as Qiara handed them the key "Why this is such an honor from King Balder and our Queen Ellie!..I thank you and will thank them in person when I see them next!"
[16:38] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "We thank you Loki and we thank each and every one that came to help us celebrate this to the banquet tables!" and he pointed toward the food and drink
[16:38] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara laughed and looked towards Seren and Berta "Come on you two, let's get to it!"
[16:39] Seren stands up and makes her way back to behind the bar smiling as she get the tray of tea and food.
[16:39] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith looked around for the drink again, despite herself. She quickly looked back to the couple and half-shouted, "CONGRATULATIONS!"
[16:40] .Mattaku. (virus579): ((Y'all can just click my tray if you want a drink :D ))
[16:40] Serendipity1717: ((Same for me))
[16:41] Yeshi-va picked up a elven Lyra she brought and began to play traditional songs she had learned as a child.
[16:41] Second Life: ::DB:: Sakura Serving Platter owned by Serendipity1717 gave you 'Appetizers' ( Artstonia (25,157,52) ).
[16:41] Second Life: ::DB:: Sakura Serving Platter owned by Serendipity1717 gave you 'Cherries' ( Artstonia (25,157,52) ).
[16:41] Toothy Tina took a drink from the tray and handed it to her husband then took another for herself with a giggle
[16:42] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara holds the tray out to them she smiles at them "Tina, later once the celebrations are over if you'll come to my office I have a present for the two of you."
[16:43] Tina (artful.kidd): "Another present?" Oh I love presents!"
[16:43] Toothy Tina snuggled up into Brawn's arms
[16:43] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara chuckles a bit and nods, before she walks around and offers a drink to anyone else who might desire one.
[16:45] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Sorry, Brother Bird," Aud said to the animal when she stepped on its tail by accident on her way back toward the dance floor. The strong mead was good, and the image of the hall lighting up around the couple was strong in Aud's mind. "Thank ye f' the drinks," she said to Qiara, as she took another horn of mead. "And the food be good as always."
[16:45] Brawn reaches out to take a couple of cherries from Seren's tray and feeds them to Tina one at a time smiling as she eats them from his hand
[16:45] Seren "Congratulations you two." she give the a warm smile.
[16:46] ~SWAN~ 'Horse's' Bransle Group Dance: Hi emmiedee! Touch me to change and/or adjust pose.
[16:46] Tina (artful.kidd): "Thank you Seren" she smiled back...stars still in her eyes from the Blessing Ceremony..she leaned back and gave Brawn a kiss in front of everyone
[16:46] Loki the Phoenix hisses a bit at the pull on his ploom but pays it no mind this being a happy day and Seren's threat.
[16:47] Brawn wrapped his arms about he'd never let her go
[16:47] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Mine..all mine now my dear lady" he smiled warmly..happy as a pig in ...well just very happy
[16:49] Brawn sipped his ale...not too fast..not wanting to over do it today..he had plans to make his new wife very happy later tonight
[16:50] Seren "If you two need anything just call me over." she walks over to Qiara.
[16:50] Toothy Tina seemed not to be hungry any more..just dreaming of how they might make many little trollgobs to run about their new home
[16:51] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara walks over to the seer and smiles at her "You did a lovely job."
[16:52] Brawn called out to all in the Hall..."The King said I should pick any Ser name I cared that my younguns..if we have them..might have a name....any ideas for me?"
[16:53] Loki the Phoenix chips out, "Lokil is a good name!"
[16:53] Yeshi-va looks at Qiara with a gentile smile and blushed a little. " Thank you, truly i was shaking the whole time. I´m still an acolyte in my rank. But the High Priestess could not make it today, and she asked me to perform the blessing. I just hope the gods truly heard my words and that they lean their gaze upon that lovely couple."
[16:53] Brawn (cathssl.ember): Lokil is a nice name....but it is yours already" he smiled at the bird
[16:54] Audfrith (emmiedee): "Tyrsdotter!" Aud shouted, drinking and dancing, then realized it was her own name. "Oh, wait, no, tha means daughter," she said to herself, shaking her head then having another drink of mead.
[16:54] Loki the Phoenix give Brawn a cheeky smile
[16:56] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "What about....Istmal?" How does that sound?...Brawn and Tina...Istmal"
[16:57] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara smiles at her "I'm sure they will." She looks over at the couple "I think that sounds lovely."
[16:57] Tina (artful.kidd): "I will do some searching in the library of the keep Brawn...we might come up with something very meaningful there"
[16:57] Seren looks over at the bird and sighs a bit then looks over at Brawn and Tina, "I have one I could offer you.....Hearthsteel."
[16:58] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Yes...there is no least not for 9 more months!" he laughed heartily
[16:59] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Now...that does sound like a good name truly does and will be considered!"
[16:59] Seren smiles and nods to him.
[17:04] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud realized that she was hungry. She walked over to the food bar, taking a juicy piece of cooked meat and a hunk of dark bread that cracked as she took it. She walked back, munching, to where Brawn and Tina sat. "Happy High Day to ye both!" Aud raised her almost empty horn.
[17:04] Tina (artful.kidd): ?Would you like to dance some more my love..before we go ...home?" she gave him ...THAT look
[17:05] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Audfrith..You look like you are enjoying yourself!" he laughed and got up to dance with Tina
[17:07] Audfrith (emmiedee): As Aud toasted the couple, she noticed that Brawn had his hand on Tina's breast. "It be a good party, but maybe Freya be happier w'ye if ye took yer wife to home soon," Aud smiled, her eyes moving to the floor.
[17:08] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara chuckled a bit at the goings on. She held the tray closer to Audfrith. "Need another?"
[17:08] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Oh we'll be going soon enough Audfrith...soon enough!!" he laughed
[17:09] Toothy Tina noting could embarrass her tonight...this was the night that love would happen..and everyone knew it...there would be no pretense and she laughed too "Soon enough..soon enough!"
[17:10] Audfrith (emmiedee): Audfrith winked at Qiara. "Ye know I nae NEED another..." as she took one more from the tray.
[17:12] Seren smiles more at all the dancing and joy filling the room, turning her gaze to the bird next to her, "You should join them."
[17:14] Loki the Phoenix looks up at Seren for a bit and nods as he makes his way over to dance.
[17:16] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara just smiled and watched everyone have fun. She shifts the tray from one hand to the other. She was happy that everything seemed to be in peace, at least for now. She tried not to worry about anything going on outside the mead hall for today.
[17:20] Brawn 's thoughts went to the strange monks that had been seen in the marketplace recently trying to poison the locals about King Balder and Queen Ellie....he tried to toss it from his mind for now....this wasn't the time for thoughts like that
[17:21] Brawn turned to Loki and watched him dance and it made him smile and so did Tina....cute little toothy his dearly beloved
[17:24] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud felt light-headed, and she remembered the room glowing around Yeshi-va, long shadows cast behind the couple sitting in front of her. Aud had a flash that the shadows were like the couple's past selves, and the glow of Yeshi-va's blessing was like the future... She wondered if her own shadow could be cast back with such a white glowing light... She shook her head, realizing that her thoughts were muddy. She stopped dancing and went over to Yeshi-va. "A beautious thing ye done here tanight," Aud said to her. "I hae ta go, but I be so glad ta see ye up an so strong like."
[17:27] Yeshi-va smiled for she was happy to have had the chance to put her studies with the Oracle in practice. She stopped playing the Lyra, and looked at Audfrith and bowed with her head. "I am most thankful to you. For taking such a huge part in rescuing me from that wicked evil vampire." she said to her. She then turned to everyone and bowed gracefully. " Thank you for your invitation and for allowing me to perform the ceremony. Bless you all." she said. " For now I must return to the temple."
[17:28] Loki the Phoenix stops his dancing and wanders back over to Seren.
[17:28] L??i??? (luriana23): (( got to get some sleep :D You guys be safe. Thank you for the wonderful time You guys rock! ALL OF YOU! hihi :D ))
[17:28] Brawn (cathssl.ember): "Thank you Yeshi'va.....You were wonderful tonight...thank you to all!"
[17:30] Seren looks down at the bird and gives him an odd look, "What is it? You want some Tea Loki?"
[17:31] Brawn (cathssl.ember): ((the scene here is turning to black....we are logging for a break...thanks everyone!))
[17:31] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud was glad to see that the party was breaking up even as she felt she had to go. She said her goodbyes to the happy couple and went to the bar to leave a tip. "G'night Quara! Seren!.... Bird!" she said, heading to the door.
[17:31] Tina (artful.kidd): ((YOu were all marvellous!..thank you for coming and making our day!))
[17:32] Audfrith (emmiedee): ((thanks everyone! see you all soon!))
[17:32] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara smiles at them as she sets down the tray on the table behind herself. She would clean everything up later. She stretches a bit, thinking that she still needed to go to the market and pick up a few things.
[17:32] .Mattaku. (virus579): ((See you! :D))
[17:32] Tina (artful.kidd) is offline.
[17:32] Serendipity1717: ((Later guy!))
[17:33] Nairb Footpad: The door creaks open and he steps inside. He pauses, observing the current merriment and finely decorated tables at the other end of the hall. His mouth scrunches to the side but he proceeds, slowly, into the tavern.
[17:33] Brawn (cathssl.ember) is offline.
[17:34] Yeshi-va walks pass a man she had never seen before with a soft smile and she bowed with her head.
[17:34] Door: Luriana23 Resident is at the door.
[17:35] .Mattaku. (virus579) Qiara looks over to the man who entered, not recalling having ever seen him before. She gives him a smile "Come in, come in. Feel free to sit wherever you like."
[17:35] Audfrith (emmiedee): Aud saw the unknown man come through the door, and she nodded to him as she passed. "D'day t'ye, Sire."
[17:36] Nairb Footpad offers a polite smile as the woman goes. He continues on his way, making for the bar. He would nod to those who might make eye contact, but his intentions were food and drink.
[17:36] Door: emmiedee Resident is at the door.

Brawn and Tina - Wedding in Skarvald

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