Rangers of Skarvald
Order of the Falcon
Below are the ranked abilities you may learn and perform using dice or freeform RP.
1. Rangers have limitations on the use of weapons but are highly skilled and trained on ranged weapon; bow, crossbow, throwing knives, etc.
2. Normal ranged attacks have a 20 meter range (chat range, unless otherwise specified) and take 2 turns (two posts) to attack done in the following two parts:
1 part (one post) to prepare to fire the weapon for example: draw the knife, then pull your arm back for a throwing knife or ready your bow (such as taking it off your back), nock an arrow and pull back the drawstring,
after the weapon is readied, then 1 part to aim and shoot (so 2 turns in total, similar to casting a spell), unless you have reached Infiltrator rank and utilize the Rapid Fire ability.
3. Any use of the abilities specific to the Rangers should be accompanied by a Roll, unless you have agreed on freeform with another player. If you are using a non-combat ability, (ie - nocturnal vision, etc.) you will Roll and must meet the base roll of 10 in order to be successful (unless you are using the new HUD, which you should be then you need to meet a +10 per skill difficulty. Such as a rank 4 would be 40 or over).
Rank 1 ◆ Scout ◆
◆Flare - Rank 1◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: 20 meters
◇Target: Anyone in range and environment
◇RP duration: 3 turns
◇Effect: With a successful roll the Ranger uses a flare in their inventory which will create a bright light for 3 turns. It illuminates the area 20 meters around it. For 1 second right after the flare lights up, the flare emits an especially brighter light and on a successful roll, blinds everyone facing the flare for 1 turn. Players can roll to avoid being blinded. The Ranger must emote closing or shielding their eyes for a few seconds to avoid being blinded as well. This ability may be interrupted, dodged, or deflected with proper rp.
◆Disengage - Rank 1◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: 5 meters
◇Target: 1 Opponent
◇RP duration: 2 turns
◇Effect: On a successful roll, the Ranger knocks the opponent off of their feet and then retreats far enough so that it will take the opponent 1 turn to get up and 1 turn to make their way to the Ranger before attacking with melee attacks. This ability may be interrupted, dodged, or deflected with proper rp.
◆Tracking - Rank 1◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: 100 meters
◇Target: Another person / creature
◇RP duration: Until target is found
◇Effect: The Ranger is able to track one person or creature within 100 meters of them by using various tracking methods. Targets being tracked cannot hide from the Ranger. The Ranger must know what the target looks and smells like already. This ability may be interrupted with proper rp.
◆Camouflage - Rank 1◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: NA
◇Target: Self
◇RP duration: Until the ranger moves and/or comes out of hiding.
◇Effect: The Ranger blends in with their surroundings using things like dirt, leaves and branches. The Ranger will remain unnoticed while the ability is in effect. Anyone trying to notice or find the Ranger must roll against the person using Camouflage in order to locate them. This ability cannot be used in urban areas with a large population of NPC's or players. This ability's effect is canceled when the target moves, however, bow and crossbow attacks will only remove the Camouflage AFTER the projectile has been shot.
◆Survival - Rank 1◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: NA
◇Target: Self
◇RP duration: 1 night (can be a sl night or a rl)
◇Effect: When the Ranger is critically injured and / or about to be killed or captured, their body becomes filled with an amazing amount of adrenaline. The Ranger cannot go unconscious when this ability is in effect and is able to run away hastily regardless of any injuries, poisons or diseases that are affecting them, if their leg has been broken for example. This ability MUST be used only in retreat. The Ranger cannot attack. This effect wears off after 3 turns.
◆Instincts - Rank 1◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: n/a
◇Target: Self
◇RP duration: Passive, always in effect.
◇Effect: The Ranger's instincts will tell them if something is wrong, on top of the Ranger's own common sense. This gives the Ranger the chance to roll to resist lies, illusions, glamour spells, trickery, bluffing and anything similar. The person trying to trick the Ranger must roll against them. Also, if someone tries to ambush or cheap shot the Ranger they are able to roll to evade the attack, even if they shouldn't have known it was coming.
Rank 2 ◆ Infiltrator◆
◆Nocturnal Awareness - Rank 2◆
(this one is optional training and only for those who naturally lack this ability)
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: 15 meters
◇Target: Self
◇RP duration: the night. (again can be a sl night or rl)
◇Effect: The Ranger has the ability to see through shadows and areas with very little light as if it was the middle of the day. Sudden bright lights like a flare will temporarily blind the Ranger while this ability is in effect. This ability may be interrupted proper rp.
◆Precision - Rank 2◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: The Ranger's weapon's range. (20 meters)
◇Target: 1 Opponent
◇RP duration: Passive, always in effect.
◇Effect: If a teammate or enemy is in the Ranger's line of fire and / or getting in the way of their target, he / she may fire past them through tiny openings so that the projectile makes it to the proper target. If someone is trying to defend the target, they may roll to deflect the projectile before it hits the target and before the target gets to roll to evade the arrow. This ability may be interrupted proper rp.
◆Rapid Fire - Rank 2◆
◇Posting time: NA
◇Range: The Ranger's weapon's range. (20 meters)
◇Target: Self
◇RP duration: Passive, always in effect.
◇Effect: The Ranger may draw their bow, nock an arrow, pull back the arrow, aim and shoot all in one turn (or another ranged weapon may be prepared, aimed and fired). Opponents still have the opportunity to dodge, parry, block or catch incoming projectiles.
◆Parry - Rank 2◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: 20 meters
◇Target: Enemy or Incoming Projectiles
◇RP duration: 1 turn
◇Effect: On a successful roll, the Ranger fires a projectile at an incoming physical attack, deflecting it. This ability can be used to defend allies from 20 meters away but cannot deflect non-physical attacks like a fireball, and it cannot deflect extremely heavy attacks like ballista bolts. It can be used to interrupt spell casting. It takes just as long to use this ability as it would for the Ranger to shoot a projectile normally. It stacks with Rapid Fire. This ability may be interrupted, dodged, or deflected with proper rp.
Rank 3 ◆ Huntsman ◆
◆Double Shot - Rank 3◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: The Ranger's weapon's range. (20 meters)
◇Target: Opponent
◇RP duration: 2 turns (1 if stacked with Rapid Fire)
◇Effect: The Ranger fires two projectiles at the target at the exact same time. They share the same roll values. The opponent must make a defensive roll to deflect each projectile (two rolls if they wish to block both). It takes just as long to use this ability as it would for the Ranger to shoot a projectile normally. It stacks with Rapid Fire at Ranger rank (rank 4) and higher. This ability may be interrupted, dodged, or deflected with proper rp.
◆Rope Projectile - Rank 3◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn (Per attack)
◇Range: 20 meters
◇Target: Opponent
◇RP duration: 1 turn
◇Effect: The Ranger's projectile has a cable or rope tied to it, making the Ranger able to shoot it into something like the side of a building, or a mountain, so that the Ranger can climb up with the rope. On a successful roll, they can also shoot a projectile into the target and then yank the rope in the next turn to pull the target closer, or off their feet. It takes just as long to use this ability as it would for the Ranger to shoot a projectile normally. It stacks with Rapid Fire. This ability may be interrupted, dodged, or deflected with proper rp. The Ranger can only have two of these projectiles per day..
◆Scatter Shot - Rank 3◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: The Ranger's weapon's range. (20 meters)
◇Target: Opponent
◇RP duration: 1 turn
◇Effect: The Ranger fires 3 projectiles at 3 individual targets in the same turn. It takes just as long to use this ability as it would for the Ranger to shoot a projectile normally. It can stack with Rapid Fire. Each projectile uses the same roll value. This ability may be interrupted, dodged, or deflected with proper RP and/or rolls.
♦Trap Detection-Rank 3♦
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: Imitate area
◇Target: Trap
◇RP duration: Until disabled
◇Effect: Is to disable a trap that is noted by the ranger (if the trap does not have a roll counter in it you must roll 45+ for obvious ones (animal traps in the forest for example), 55+ for un-obvious (this meaning ones you suspect but can not see very well), +10 extra for each botched attempt, if it gets to 95 you failed and set the trap off). These are traps you would find only in nature like areas (caves and forest). It requires a combination of above learned skills, such as instincts and tracking.
Rank 4 ◆ Ranger ◆
◆Armor Piercing Ammunition - Rank 4◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn (Per attack)
◇Range: The Ranger's weapon's range. (20 meters)
◇Target: Opponent
◇RP duration: 1 turn
◇Effect: On a successful hit, these projectiles will pierce one layer of an opponent's armor and do damage as if the armor wasn't there. Shields count as armor. This ability does NOT stack with Rapid Fire. This ability may be interrupted, dodged, or deflected with proper rp. The Ranger only has 4 of these projectiles per day. This ability is also limited to armor types which can actually be pierced by arrows.
◆Shoot on the Run - Rank 4◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: 10 meters
◇Target: Self
◇RP duration: 1 turn
◇Effect: The Ranger has the ability to shoot and run in the same action. If the Ranger decides to run and shoot, however, their range is lowered to 10 meters. Since there is no set range for bows, try to be reasonable. You won’t be sniping people from the other side of a village when you’re running. This passive ability stacks with Rapid Fire.
◆Heightened Awareness/Senses - Rank 4◆
(This ability only needs to be trained by those who do not have this skill naturally. If it is one you do not have naturally you will be required to roleplay it out for your rank 4 approval and send a notecard to the guilds leader)
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: NA
◇Target: Self
◇RP duration: 15 minutes or until focus is broken
◇Effect: Greatly heightens 3 senses of the Ranger; Sight, Hearing and Smell temporarily. The Ranger would be able to pick up the subtlest of scents as well of the worst of stenches from varying distances. The Ranger would be able to hear a whisper as if the individual were speaking out loud. The Ranger would also be able to see across incredible distances with near perfect clarity. This ability does NOT stack with others. Things that assault the senses, like a blinding light, or loud noise, have a greater effect on those using this ability. This ability may be interrupted with proper RP.
◆Ambush - Rank 4◆
◇Posting time: 3 turns (2 prep posts and 1 to attack via ambush)
◇Range: 20 meters
◇Target: Opponent
◇RP duration: n/a
◇Effect: Ranger must have posted twice to prepare the ambush, identify "killing zone", use of camouflage ability,etc. (this may be logged as preparation can occur long before the opponent enters SL chat range). The attack post will contain the element of total surprise with a successful roll. The opponent will be thus caught off guard and unable to counter attack for 1 turn. They may roll to defend additional attacks or strikes or they may withdraw to safety beyond chat range, but cannot attack the ranger for 1 turn.
◆Snipe - Rank 4◆
◇Posting time: 2 turns (1 turn to aim, 1 to shoot)
◇Range: 100 meters
◇Target: Opponent
◇RP duration: n/a
◇Effect: The Ranger fires an extremely long range projectile at the target, usually out of range of any of their attacks. Since the attack will usually be out of chat range, the Ranger must send an IM or notecard with a short log of them RP’ing the two turns of aiming, the ability, and their roll. The target must then roll to either evade the projectile or Roleplay getting hit, depending on their roll. The target must notify the Ranger whether or not they were hit and IM them their roll. The target must be in the Ranger's line of sight. This ability may be interrupted, dodged, or deflected with proper RP.
Rank 5 ◆ Master Ranger ◆
◆Poison Arrow - Rank 5◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn (Per attack)
◇Range: The Ranger's weapon's range (20 meters)
◇Target: Opponent
◇RP duration: 1 turn
◇Effect: On a successful hit, these projectiles will ignore defense. The Ranger may only use ONE kind of ammunition per attack. This ability may be interrupted, dodged, or deflected with proper rp. The Ranger only has 3 of these projectiles per fight. **Please note the poison type has to be one approved here and may not cause permadeath to a character, and any Ranger opting to use this type of ammunition needs approval first.**
◆Crossfire - Rank 5◆
◇Posting time: 1 turn
◇Range: 20 meters
◇Target: Opponent
◇RP duration: 1 turn
◇Effect: Crossfire allows a Ranger to fire their weapon while being attacked. This means that as an opponent is attacking, the Ranger will simultaneously be attacking their opponent. In RP the Ranger will roll in defense of the opponent's attack, emote the pass or fail of the opponents attack and the Crossfire ability, and then roll for the crossfire attack. Regardless of the success or effects of the opponent's initial attack, the Crossfire's effects will still count if the Ranger's roll is successful...they may be hit with the opponent's attack and make a successful hit at the same time. The Ranger's Crossfire attack cannot be a fatal shot as their precision would be compromised.
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