Merchant's Skills in Skarvald

Tradesmen & Merchants , Abilities, Ranks and How To Achieve Ranks

In addition to the following: All merchants from entrance must attend the King's court once a month and pay a three percent tax

Upon entering the merchants guild you may ask to work any stall as an apprentice, if we do not have trade stall that you need we will consider outfitting one. You must meet with the guildmaster Minniver Endsleigh or the Viceroy Grey Thorhall or Ragnar Thorhall and find out who else works the stall and who you need to speak with. It is our hope that each trade will become its own mini guild within a guild

Besides these progression quests other quests may be asked of you, though not required, they may or may not bring rewards for completion.


Burlap & Stone

Time Required in Skarvald: Immediate

   Tradesmen:  You bring with you the skills of a merchant or tradesman, The tools of your trade that you carried with you. You have access to the basest of goods and materials, not knowing the area or traders yet. You are able to apprentice to the stall fitting the trade of your chosen profession, providing you have sought out the Guild Master or Viceroy for permission. Hours, specific jobs of the trade are per seniority.

Level 2
Canvas & Flint

Time Required in Skarvald: two weeks (does not have to be constant play but SOME play is required)

    Tradesman:  You are learning the town and its people, the trade camps and traders close by.. Your materials and goods of the chosen profession are a bit more varied.

Quest to gain level 2: Make a sale or sell your trade services to someone. It must be as detailed as you can make it at least, if RPed four posts long or if written out four paragraphs long. The play or post must be note carded and sent to Minniver or played with an admin present


Level 3
Cotton and Iron

Time required in Skarvald thee weeks

    Tradesman:  You are learning more trade camps and ports. Traders in other camps are becoming familiar with you. You are gaining a reputation as a merchant (good or bad is up to you lol) Other merchants may be taking notice of you, you are bringing in some luxuries as well as the staples. Tradesmen's materials are much higher quality thus services are better. You may sit in on the Guild Meetings

Quest to gain level 3: Make a trade trip to bring back goods. Detail the journey and the trade this can be overland or by sea, you would need to make arrangements with a captain if by sea.  It must be as detailed as you can make it at least, if RPed six posts long or if written out six paragraphs long. The play or post must be note carded and sent to Minniver or played with an admin present


Level 4
Linen and Silver

Time required in Skarvald four weeks

   Tradesman:   You wear the robes of the Merchant's Guild. You are a trusted Merchant of the King's Realm, you have earned the right to wear a pendant of your profession and teach your profession to apprentices. Your goods are known to be high quality (whether you are fair in price is up to you) You may petition the castle to buy your goods or services because your goods and materials are worthy of royalty.

Quest to gain Level 4:  Meet with the other Tradesmen in the Guild, discuss your ideas and concerns about trade in Skarvald IC. Make a trade deal with another Skarvald Merchant.  It must be as detailed as you can make it at least, if RPed six posts long or if written out six paragraphs long. The play or post must be note carded and sent to Minniver or played with an admin present


Level 5 Meister
Silk and Gold

Time required in Skarvald eight weeks.

   Tradesmen: You are now owner or in a partnership of your shop, you see over the rest of your trade with your fellow Meisters. You make sure apprentices are getting the proper training and sit upon the Merchant's Council. You are on the investigative committee which convenes with the Rangers when there is an outbreak of thievery. Your own table probably has the best of everything.

Quest to gain Level 5:  Get to know every merchant and tradesman in our guild, know what they sell and where it comes from, or what their service is and where the materials come from. Be ready to sit before a Merchant Council and answer questions about these matters.


Viceroy Of Merchants- Chosen By Guild leader

Guild Leader


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